Pushing Typical

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 Google says there are around 7 billion people in the world, and 553,074 people, give or take a few, in America have the same name as me.  It seems like it would get easy to lose yourself in that many people, all hustling and bustling around, only really concerned about themselves and the people they love. To others your just an extra in their life; the actor playing the homeless man on the bench that asks you for spare change every morning, or the waitress that just tripped and dumped the salad all over your mac book,  to some people you don’t serve much purpose aside from filling space.

                The best place to get a glimpse at this is Oak wood high school, home of the oak trees, pathetic I know, our mascot is literally an oak tree. Poor Bobby Sulliver walks around the side lines at football games as a giant plush oak tree, but that’s beside the point, here at Oak wood high school nobody is concerned about other people, I have seen someone ram into another student, nocking their books right out of their hands, but nobody stops to help clean the mess up, not even the person who caused the collision in the first place. Everyone is more concerned about where they have to be, and who they have to see to take a few minutes to help a poor student who is having a really bad day.  

                I’m not saying I help either, and I guess that’s the depressing part, I see the wrongdoing yet I won’t correct it, but I think I’m tired of just sitting here, letting strangers ignore me, and me ignoring strangers which here is typical, but I don’t want to be typical, I want to push typical.

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