Chapter 19

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Namjoon parked the car when they arrived at the restaurant. "Wait. Don't get out." Jin smiled at Namjoon. Jin quickly got out the car and went over to the driver's door and opened it for Namjoon who was blushing really badly now. "I can be a gentleman too." Jin smiled, as he offered Namjoon a hand, who gladly took it and got out of the car. The younger man pecked Jin's cheeck and locked the car still holding Jin's hand.

It was a quite fancy Japanese restaurant. There were beautiful flowers everywhere, which Jin loved. Namjoon loved seeing Jin so happy about such small things. He really got himself one hell of a man.
"Wait I left my wallet in the car." Jin said, before they got to their table. "It's an all you can eat and I already paid so don't even try." Namjoon laughed.
Jin fake pouted but when he saw all the food he was quickly distracted.
They ate a lot of delicious food.
"This curry is so good!" Jin nearly moaned. Namjoon chuckled. "It is."

They really had a great time. After the had eaten enough they drank some coffee. "Are we going home after this?" Jin asked. Namjoon nodded. "I think so. I have nothing more planned atleast." Namjoon smiled, a little sad that the day was already over.
"We could also go to my house and play some Mario Kart before you go?" Jin suggested.
"That sounds fun!" Namjoon replied excitedly.
"I hope you don't cry when you lose tho, cuz I'm definitly winning." Jin said with a small evil smirk.
"I never cry!" Namjoon replied acting grumpy. He knew though, that Jin wouldn't believe that for even a second. Jin giggled. "We'll see."

Namjoon drove them back to Jin's place where he, not so smoothly, parked the car. The younger man opened the door for his hyung and offered him a hand, who took it and once again pecked Namjoon's cheeck. Jin didn't know if Namjoon kept doing these things to get a kiss or if he jusg wanted to be a gentleman, but Jin didn't care. He liked it when Namjoon took care of him.

Once they were inside Jin got some drinks and snacks from the kitchen while he let Namjoon set up the game.
Jin was not wrong, he won every single race. Namjoon didn't mind though. As long as Jin was enjoying it he was happy. Jin did lose count of how many times Namjoon tried to hit him with a pillow though.
"Last race... I have to win this. Come on Yoshi! Don't let me down!" Namjoon told the videogame character.
"You can't beat my Mario." Jin laughed. 
"Wanna bet?"
"Sure. If you win I pay for everything on the next date, and if I win you pay." Jin said smiling, fully aware of what he just actually said.
Namjoon blushed at that sudden invitation to a next date, but smiled and nodded. "Deal."

Rainbow Road. The last race was Rainbow Road. The infamous map where people always fell off. It happend to be the map Namjoon was best at. Jin on the other hand hated this map with a passion but they put the maps on random so there was no way out.
As expected Jin kept falling off the map. Namjoon on the other hand, didn't fall more than once.
Suprisingly, Namjoon won.
Namjoon yelled "YES I FINALLY WON!" In excitement.
Jin laughed at Namjoon's adorable excitement. "Goodjob." He said.
"Thank youuuuuuuu." Namjoon replied giving Jin a hug. Jin was suprised but hugged back. "Today was a really awesome day." Jin said softly. "It was amazing." Namjoon answered.

They cleaned the table together.
Then it was Namjoon's time to go home.
They were standing in Jin's corridor. "Thank you for today." Jin smiled.
"No problem." Namjoon said as he pulled Jin in for another hug.
When they pulled away they looked eachother in the eyes. Namjoon had the same feeling in his stomach as before. But now he knew it was okay.
He leaned in and places his lips on Jin's lips, who kissed back.
It was a very passionate and loving kiss.
When their lips parted they both blushed and smiled.
Namjoon pecked Jin's cheeck one last time before he waved at Jin, who waved back, got into his car and went home.


A/N: This is a groupchat with Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi

11:34 pm
Momjoon is now online

Momjoon: GUYS

11:35 pm
Taelien is now online

Taelien: DID YOU F*CK?
Taelien: TELL ME

11:36 pm
Kumamonislove is now online

Kumamonislove: Did he like the park and the restaurant?

Momjoon: Yes he loved it 😊
Momjoon: Thanks for the recommendations :)

Taelien: Don't ignore me! :(

Momjoon: Tae, we did kiss and we didn't f*ck. It's not normal to f*ck after the first date😂
Momjoon: Idk what you and Kookie did but I dont wanna know.

Taelien: Are you sure you don't wanna know? :)

Kumamonislove: If you say it I'm gonna leave this friendgroup and never come back.

Taelien: Nooooo Yoonji T_T
Taelien: Fine I'll just DM it Namjoon then :)


11:43 pm
Momjoon went offline

A/N: I was at a friend's place this weekend so that's why I failed to update earlier today. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Thanks for reading💜

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now