Chapter 4

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~Taehyungs POV~

I woke up surprisingly early the next day, at around 7:30 am. Usually, you wouldn't catch me awake earlier than 11:00am on a day off. But again, the universe works it's wonders. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, I knew now it would be impossible to go back to sleep. Since I'm already up, might as well get the day going.

I got undressed and hopped into the shower. It was so nice and warm, the perfect escape from the over-air conditioned room. Or it might have just been that I forgot to grab an extra blanket from the closet. But hey, I wasn't about to blame myself.

After about 15 minutes, I exited the blissful cascade that was the warm shower. I forgot to bring a set of clothing in the bathroom with me. Fuck, now I needed to dash across the room before the arctic cold starts to settle on my skin. I grabbed a robe from the back of the bathroom door, and made a beeline for my dresser.

I pulled out a pair of black shorts, and a white T-shirt. As I was throwing it on, I felt like I was kind of underdressed.
But it's 7:50 in the morning, and I wasn't trying to meet any expectations. As I was heading towards the door, I remembered a key thought: I have no places to be. Where am I going to go, when I have no idea how to get around?
But I was already pretty energized from that shower, so I needed to do something.

But first I needed food. I got on the elevator, until I reached the lobby. I followed the smell of food, into the dining room down the hall. The dining room was huge. It had similar modern style to the lobby. Only this had wood floors instead of carpeted, and multiple chandeliers. I walked over to where they were serving breakfast. I simply just ordered a black coffee, and a muffin. Nothing too fancy, and sat at the mini bar. I didn't really think about much else, I honestly thought that the overthinking session of last night really drew my mind to a blank. I was gulping down my coffee with every bite I took of the muffin, even though it was burning hot. I really didn't care though, coffee was really no good unless it was hot.

But after that, I really had zero clue what the hell I was supposed to do next. What does one do at 8:00 in the morning with no phone or money, and really no scope of the area? And I don't think any manager here would appreciate a 20 year old tourist just waltzing aimlessly around their establishment looking for entertainment.

But in the spirit of living, I hopped on the elevator and did exactly that.

2nd floor had a spa that wasn't open yet, but the 3rd floor had something considerate to offer: an incredibly large gym. I can't think of the last time I've been to a gym, though. Maybe like 2 years ago? I know Jungkook is always going to one in his spare time. But besides the point, it was something.

I did some stretches, and some jumping jacks here and there. I figured at least 5 minutes of each of those was more than enough of a warm-up. I searched one of the rooms, and found the mother of all treadmills, that had satellite radio and Bluetooth speaker. Ugh, if only I could've hooked my phone up to this bad boy, but, the seventh floor was practically ages an elevator ride away.

Now that I think about it, I wonder how the guys are doing since last night. Both mentally and physically. It was all very amusing, but let's be frank. The shame was real. I wonder if those were moments were worth sharing with the internet.
But, know that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it's something we shouldn't bring up too much. This ain't Vegas. But as far as I'm concerned, that restaurant was, so it better just stay there.

From the treadmill, to some arm excersising machine, to lifting some weights, I drew the workout to an end. It took about an hour, which doesn't seem like a lot. But BITCH, let me tell you. I'm king of the world, I feel like the strongest man to ever have lived. But I feel like I can this entire hotel with one arm. But that takes work. And who wants to work on vacation?

I grabbed one of the fresh towels from the tiny side room off of the gym, and wrapped it around my neck. Not going to lie, that workout felt pretty good. I guess I was able to relieve some stress, and maybe even some anger.
Listen to me, talking about stress and I haven't even been here a full 24 hours. Like seriously, no one likes a drama queen.

I was gonna use the showers that the gym offered, but I couldn't handle the smell. Plus, the thought of someone peeking in on me was , and I'm not about to feel exposed. In my own room, my own bathroom, the chances were just as high, but, it's people I know. So, not as traumatizing. Up to the seventh floor I went.

I unlocked the door. To my surprise, Jimin and Leena were awake. I thought they'd still be asleep, but they were awake alright, getting ready to leave, actually.
"Hey." I said as I awkwardly entered the room. I noticed the smell of something burning. Leena turned to me, and actually smiled. Oh, she was in the middle of straightening her hair. "Taehyung, where were you this whole time? I didn't see you when we woke up."

"I, uh, got up pretty early. And, I got some breakfast. I headed to the gym for a while after." Then Jimin walks in the from the bathroom, as if right on cue, to make fun of me. "You? Went to the gym? That's funny." He snickered at me.
Why? Am I that out of shape? "How so?" He slapped my shoulder. "I'm just messing with you, Tae." He checked himself out in the mirror. "I think I might take dedicate a day to the gym, myself. I could use it."

He had to be kidding. He's probably the best shape a person could be in. You know, within human standards. "It wouldn't kill me." I kept staring at him, without him noticing of course. Don't want to make the same mistake as last time. He wore his oversized t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, and leather jacket. To top it off, a plain black snapback, with two rings hanging off the side.

Leena finally finished her hair, and rushed over to the closet to get a pair of shoes. She always made it a point to look nice, which wasn't so annoying. Only when she complained she had nothing nicer to wear. But today, she wore more casual clothing. Shorts, t-shirt, and a pair of Timberlands.

"Well, we could think about the gym later," she said fastening a bracelet around her wrist. "We have much to do today."

"Where you guys headed?" I asked, probably already knowing the answer.

"Leena wanted to do some shopping today. Also wanted to get familiar with the city again."

"I'm taking you to all the best spots I know here. I've visited here so many times, I know it inside out." She gleefully added. "Well, it's best to leave early so traffic will be later. Speaking of which, we need to get going." She said impatiently. He told her he was just gonna grab his phone, and he'll meet her downstairs.
"Make it quick!" She called out as she left the room.

He quickly laughed to himself, I'm assuming as a coping mechanism, because the first day of many grueling trips around the city was starting. I gave him a little smile. "Good luck out today. They say it's a tough world out there."
He sighed, in a good natured way. "Thanks. I'm really going to need it." I said I'd text him if anything. He said he'd do the same. And he went to meet Leena in the lobby.

And there I was, alone again. And if I'm going to be fair, at least now I could relax. But how can you relax and do nothing in a city filled with so much stuff to do like this?


Hey what do you know? I actually updated!
I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't had much time to write.
It's not that great but I'm trying my best💜

Hope you've enjoyed what I could come up with!
Until next update...thanks for reading fam💕

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