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Death doesn't mean good bye

It doesn't mean our whole life happened just for us to die

We had a purpose

To believe in our lord and not repeat curses

Death is evidence that we lived

Used our time, let's hope it was for good

But for those who used it for wrong just start to wish they could

have another day so they would use it how they should

Instead of


knowing that their life was a lie


because deep in their heart they believed

That murdering was wrong

and they wish to be innocents like the young

So as time crept closer going on

Showing that their life was wasted for too many years long

The nagging of guilt grew

The feeling they felt for years long was true

Guilt and fear,

they felt from the girl who told them to turn their rear,

the girl who was then shot

Following respected people

Young or old

Then the ones she left behind leave their hearts to weep

For the bravery of their daughter,

who opened her mouth to ask for murder

So one by one

A question is asked


can't we express ourselves without being bottled and flasked?


Can't you see that humanity doesn't mean being armed?


It doesn't mean shooting those who were starred 

when your on your death bed 

you'll think of all the children you had harmed 

the thought would kill you before your sickness drove you out of the world 

the girls lifeless eyes would be a window for a story that would be best left untold.

~ Sibra.

Flasked isn't a word but it seemed right at the time so I've decided to keep it like that.**

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