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        People flooded the streets all around me. Screams of men, women, and children flooded my ears as I tried to get through them. i pushed and shoved as the crowd swallowed me whole, nobody had any concern for me though, because they knew i was supposed to protect them. They ran past me without even a simple nod as a thanks for what i was doing for them. That never bugged me much though, i was used to it, just like every other elite soldier in my squad and all the others; People just expected us to do our job and feel proud, no one ever thought to stop and thank us.        

        When the herds of people started to slow i managed to catch my breath. I had to contact somebody and figure out what the hell it was that they wanted me doing here. "Commander, what do you need me to do?" I asked over the intercom in my helmet. "You know exactly what to do kid, keep all of these civilians safe at all costs" he responded. "Yes sir!" i added. The Commander didn't respond to my last comment. I knew what i had to do though, so I charged my enemy head on. I pulled out my energy rifle and ran as fast as I could toward the horde of approaching enemies.

        WIth one pull of the trigger energy beams were shooting out of the rifle at my enemies. The mark seven automatic assault energy rilfe was standard for all elite squad ground soldiers, and for good reason, it was accurate and powerful without too much recoil. The gun stopped shooting and i slammed another magazine into the gun and continued firing. the horde of enemis drew closer and closer and I couldn't handle their fire on my own. I needed to fall back.

        I retreated and ran for the nearest evacuation ship. All of the civilians that were evacuationg fom this area were either dad or on the ship. i jumped in the back and ran up to the cockpit. When i got there the pilot was waiting for me. "We have to get the hell out of here!" I shouted. "I know kid we are" He responded. The co-pilot looked up at me "Relax soldier, everythings going to be alright" She said. As our ship lifted off the ground we heard a massive boom and saw flames engulf the sky. One of the other evacuation ships had been shot down! It wasn't shot down by a ship that belonged to the enemies on the ground, but from the ones who are much more dangerous. "Pilot, i need you to get me to that anti air turret!" I said sternly. "Are you crazy kid? You'll have no way off this doomed planet." He responded. "I'll find my own way off." "You can't do this!" "I was instructed to do whatever i could to keep these people alive sir, this is just my contrubution." He nodded and signaled me to the back. When the latched unhooked and the door opened we were almost over the turret. Once we were directly over it i dove out of the ship and hit the ground hard, my armor took most of the shock though; the new armor prototype i was given was specialized for out of atmosphere drops without any other protection, but it still needed work. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me up to the gun of the turret and jumped in. Once it was ready to go i fired.

        Enemy ships dropped one by one.i was taking as many of them out as i possibly could, it was all i could do. I felt one with the turret asthe shells shot out and into the outer plating of the enemy ships hovering above our destroyed home. I watched as ships crashed to the ground and the last human evacuation ship flew out of my view. i couldn't help but feel i made the wrong choice, staying behind; but if i didn't none of them would have been able to make it out alive. 

        I jumped out of the turret and looked down at the ground below me. Both enemy factions were aapproaching the turret at an alarming rate. I knew what i had to do. "Zeta, put all of the extra energy into power. I want shileds and spped at one hundred percent and the rest of our energy reserves to max out my power at two hundred percent." "Are you sure sir? Pushing your power level that high will have devastating effects on your body when this battle is over." my Artificial Intellegence (A.I.) companion responded, he was the operating system of my suit and the best advice giver. "Zeta, you and I both know I'm not making it off this planet, please just do this for me!" I said. "Understood sir, power levels rising to two hundred percent." "Thanks buddy." i responded.

        I lept off the tower to the empty ground in between the two closing walls. They were fighting each other and now they were fighting me. I pulled out my energy rifle and began firing at as many of them as I could.

        One day people will come back and reclaim this lost planet. They will come back and take back what was stolen from us. Humans aren't week but we just weren't ready for an invasion on this scale. We will fight back. We will come back stronger. We will take Earth back!

        My rifle ran empty so i pulled out my pistol out of its' holster. I shot off all the rounds and when they were done i dropped them both. I pulled out my knife and charged at my enemies. when i got close enough i jumped up into the air (My height atleast doubled from the power boost) and slammed the knife into the helmet of my enemy. I ripped it out and slammed my shoulder into another one knocking it and many others off balance. I cut and stabbed as fast as i could but my knife soon ran dull, so i used the only thing i had left, my fists. I cracked the skull of an enemy and turned around to get the other one that was coming behind me. with a swift duck and uppercut my enemy collapsed ot the ground. I was to slow though, before i knew it i was being lifted up in the air by one of the bigger enemies, a Captain most likely. He held me facing his army as the ones behind him held off the other faction.

        "Zeta, pull the plug... It's been an honor having you as my A.I." I said with my last breath, I couldn't let this monster kill me. Zeta had to do it... he was my friend. "Understood, it has been an honor having you as my human, Connor"

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