Red paint fail

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Laura's POV:

"Fuck you, Zayn" I said and blacked out.

I open my eyes, feel 2 arms wrapped around me. My throat hurts pretty bad and my eyes feel sour. Did I cry in my sleep?

I remember everything, I'm going to kill Zayn if Perrie is still here.

I'm going to kill him either way, he hurt me, AGAIN. Wait, 2 arms. WHY AM I IN ZAYN'S BED AGAIN? My breath hitches and he moves. "Laura" he says and I try to get out of his arms. He tightens his grip around me, I have no chance to escape. "No...stop" I say and fight against his strong arms. He doesn't even move an inch.

"I love you" he says. My eyes widen. How can he say that after....the Perrie incident?! Prick!

"Shut up Zayn, you..LIAR! If you didn't love her, you would've pulled back! BUT YOU DID NOT" I yell and struggle again. "I love you, only you Laura" he says and now the tears begin to flow. He turns me around and pulls me against his chest. "Stop, Zayn! LET ME GO" I scream and kick where I can. He groans painfully and let go, I jump out of the bed and run into the hallway, bump into Harry. "Laura!'re just in lingerie" he says and a smirk appears on his face. Then he sees my tears and he looks worried. I almost fall down and he grabs my waist, helps m up and brings me to his room. He hols me tight and he wiped the tears away gently. "Please don't cry, I don't want you to cry" he says and I look into his green eyes. My tears stop and he wipes the mascara away that I didn't get off yesterday.

"How do you feel? I mean, physical. You blacked out yesterday." he says and takes my hand, plays with my fingers. "My throat hurts a little" I say, now I actually hear my voice, it sounds croaky and painful. "Put on some of my clothes, then I'll make you tea with honey." he says and smiles. I smile back and peck his cheek. "Love you Haz" I say and he hands me a shirt.

"Love you too Laura" he says and walks out of his room so that I can change. I quickly get on the shirt, find a hair elastic and put my hair into a bun. I walk into the living room and notice Louis and Youé laying on the sofa together, wrapped into each others grip. I smile, they both look so peaceful, even Youé, and I know she's dying from the inside.

I walk into the kitchen and see Harry busy with frying pans, toasters and cups. I smile and stand next to him. "You'r a great cook" I say and he chuckles. "Cook programs, remember that x- factor video?" he says and I nod. "I hope a toast with butter, eggs and bacon is alright? And a cup of earl grey tea with honey?" he says and I nod. "It's perfect Haz, thanks" I say and he smiles, hugs me and then goes back to his frying pans.

Louis's POV:

She shoves and I wake up, her arms wrapped around my body. I smile and wrap my arms around her again. Her legs are wrapped around mine, he face nuzzled into my neck. I feel her warm breath and shiver. I kiss her neck softly and she wakes up. "Lou?" she asks and I nod. "Hey beautiful" I say and she smiles. "Wait...I'm still on the couch?" she asks and chuckles, then wraps her arms around me again. "You're a sweetheart Lou" she says and I kiss her forehead. "Don't get angry at me, but give Liam another chance? And don't punch him" I say and she giggles. "I'm not promising anything" 

I roll my eyes and she stands up from the couch and stretches. I have to bite my lips from saying something...inapossite.

"Sure you are fine?" I ask and she turns around and I hold open my arms and pout. She rolls her eyes and climbs back onto my body. 

"He is really sorry" I say and Youé looks up. "He can be sorry, but he didn't even say that Danielle had to leave when he saw me laying in your arms." she says and her voice gets smaller at the end of the sentence.

"Yeah he messed it up" I say and she frowns. "But you think I have to give him a chance?" she asks and I nod. "You love him, and he loves you. You two are meant for each other. But be mad at him, he deserves it" I say and wink.

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