too much space

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please read the an
this is an AU. they both graduated university and have stable jobs.


"Okay, just don't drink too much, baby. You're a light weight. You know what, just don't drink, please. It worries me that you're by yourself, without me." David warned me over the phone. "I won't, okay. I'll be fine, I have Gabbie and Zane to look out for me. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you too." After he said those four words, I hung up and climbed out of the car. I was going to a party that all the employees at my job had to attend. David was supposed to be my date but he was in Anaheim for the day and couldn't come because of his job. But he would be here tomorrow.

"Elizabeth, you're here!" My boss, Mrs. Acosta, said. Her wife was standing next to her with a beautiful dress on. Their relationship was adorable, they met in university and started dating and they've been together ever since.

     "Yes, it's great to see you Mrs. Acosta!" I greet her and say the same to her wife. "Oh, please just call me Allison and this is my wife, Carly." Allison tells me. I shake her hand and we chat a bit until they leave to greet other employees. I see Gabbie, my friend from university and coworker, across the room with her boyfriend, Zane.

I walk forward to where they're situated. "Hey bitch!" Gabbie yells to me as she disconnects herself from Zane's hold and towards me. Thank god the music is loud and all of our coworkers can't hear her loud voice. She wraps her arms around me and smiles. "Hey chica!" I say back to her with a smile plastered on my face as well.

"Where's your boo?" Zane asks me as Gabbie unwraps her arms from me and walks back into Zane's grip. "David's in Anaheim working. He'll be here tomorrow, though."

     "Well, you have me! Let's go get some drinks, they're being paid for by the company!" Gabbie tells me. "Um... I'm not going to get a drink. I told David I wouldn't and I have to drive back home."

     "C'mon, just one. David's not here, let loose. Don't worry about driving, just go back on an Uber." Gabbie tries to convince me.

     I mean, what's one drink going to do. She's right, David's not here and I can just get an Uber. It's just one drink, I'll be fine.

     "Fine, one drink only. Just don't tell David." I comply. "You have my word." she promises me. "And mine too." Zane chips in.

We walk to the bar and tell the bartender our drinks. "Just one and that's it." I tell myself as I take a sip.

"Gabbie, w-where are y-you?" I hiccup to myself. I ended being a bad girl and having more than one drink. Like maybe, four more than one. Oopsie.

Thank god that my boss had left and all my important coworkers had as well or I'd be dead.

"Gabbie!" I squeal as I see her out the window. I run towards her but I end up running into the window. "Owie!"

"Gabbie, ewww! S-Stop s-sucking on Zane's face!" I exclaim as I see her make out with her boyfriend as they head into a car.

     I head back to the dance floor and dance, seeing as I'm bored. A guy comes up behind me and holds my hips. "S-Stop it, let go!"

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