Don't Mind Me

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Today was the day. Today you would be starting your job with the Avengers as their psychologist.

You had been sent countless emails about your role in the facility and who you would be working with. As you were originally from England, you weren't familiar with the names of the avengers besides Tony Stark, the man who offered you the job in the first place.

However, when you got sent a list of the people who you would be working with, one name stuck out.

Helmut Zemo.

He's not an avenger is he?

You had previously been rather good friends with Zemo after meeting him whilst studying part of your psychology course in Sokovia. He wasn't doing the same subject as you, but you had bumped into each other multiple times before you had a real conversation.

As you headed to the airport to catch your flight into New York, you continued to think about Zemo and why he was living with a team of superheroes. Sure, he was pretty ripped and as far as you're aware, had a lot of military experience, but he was no


Out of boredom, you read through your CV.

Degree in psychology.
Degree in criminology.
A-level in English Language.

The list went on and reminded you of just how well you had done at life. But one thing nagged you. One thing made you feel rather guilty.

You had mind reading powers.

Well, that's what you and your family always called them. You could read minds, control things through your thoughts, absorb and alter emotions and control the mind of anyone. This information, vital information, was not written down.

Your mum never minded what you did with you powers, a long as you didn't get yourself into trouble with them. Despite the acceptance of your entire family and the support that they had shown you, you always decided to keep it a secret. The only other person to know was Zemo. You had trusted him with you life; he knew every little thing about you.

After what seemed like hours (it probably was, to be fair), you finally arrived at the airport. You quickly went through security and boarded your plane.


The feeling of a flight attendant gently tapping your shoulder brought you back awake. Giving her a quick smile, you gathered your things and headed towards the exit. As you made your way to the luggage collection point, two security guards walked your way, carrying your three large suitcases.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)? Mr Stark has sent us to collect you" one of the burly men said. You simply nodded and let them take you to a black Range Rover.

The journey was relatively short, half an hour at most. As you unclipped your seatbelt, a man in a black suit opened the door.

As you stepped out, he asked for your CV and luggage. You willingly gave them to him, you didn't have many items of worth in there anyway.

A tall blonde woman smiled at you, which you responded to with a nod. You weren't going to lie, the jet lag had definitely gotten to you and you were far too tired to have a pleasant conversation with anybody.

The woman gestured for you to follow her and led you into a large building.

The Avengers facility.

There weren't many people around, just the man who had taken your luggage and the woman who had brought you in. You gave her a quick glance, wondering if she was going to say anything. She obviously noticed as she opened her mouth to speak.

"This is the Avengers comp-".
She was abruptly cut off as a bearded man walked in.

"The Avengers compound. We all live here: Capsicle, spider boy, bird brain, the rest of 'em. You'll be living here too. I'll take you to your room from here."
You looked again at the woman, she did nothing but shrug before sauntering away.

"Sorry, should I know who you are? I feel like I'm supposed to know who you are" you said whilst turning your attention back to the man in front of you. "Sorry that was so rude of me, of course I know who you are. You're, um-" He cut you off with a face of displeasure.

"Tony Stark. I hired you. I know, I'm far more gorgeous in person" he said with a straight face.

You gave a little laugh as you clicked your finger and pointed at him. "Of course you are. I'm so sorry".

His eyebrow quirked as he sighed.
"We're going to have to make some rules. Please stop saying sorry"

You looked down in embarrassment. "Sorry". You said before covering your mouth.

"Okay, let's go. Your luggage is already in your room" He said before turning around and beginning to walk.

You had to run to catch up to him before you both stepped into the lift.

"So (Y/N), I was telling Zemo that you are going to be his new psychiatrist and he seemed to recognise your name. Do you have any ideas as to, y'know, why that might be?"
You didn't really want to say anything so you just shrugged, hoping that he'd get off of your back.

"Oh well, you'll be seeing him first thing tomorrow so maybe you can ask him".
You nodded and looked up at him to give him a smile. You noticed that he had his mouth open ready to speak again but you could feel the negativity that his words would spread coming off of him so you cut him off before he could begin.

"I'm incredibly sorry Mr Stark but flying in from Bristol has gotten to me and I'm absolutely shattered, so could we possibly continue this conversation another time?"

He looked at you, shock in his face, possibly because you had just interrupted him, maybe because you had just said more than a few words to him.

Just in time, the ding of the lift went off and the doors opened. Tony walked out and started down the corridor. You trailed behind him for a while before you reached a door.

"This is your room. FRIDAY will wake you up when you're needed."
He opened the door and held it open for you.

"Thank you, Mr Stark. Tomorrow I'll hopefully be a functioning human being, but for now, goodnight." You said with a small smile.

He gave you a nod and left you to your own devices.

You shut the door and walked over to the bed before falling on it. Unpacking could wait until tomorrow. Before you knew it, you were fast asleep.

RECONTINUED- Helmut Zemo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now