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Chapter 4-Lyrics

Harry's point of view

After 4 songs the boys and I step down for a brief rest and change of clothes. I am quickly surrounded by my team as usual, one person to fix my hair, adjust my make up, wipe the sweat off my face, another to give me water and hand me a small towel, another to lead me to a rack where my clothes are.

"Harry, someone needs to talk to you," I hear a backstage personel say and I look at him, my eyes hopeful.

"Kaylie?" I ask and he shakes his head. Behind him appear two guards. The person steps aside to give the guards and me space.

"Mr. Styles?" the taller one of them says and I look at them questioningly, wondering what they wanted.

"Yes?" I reply and by this time the other boys have noticed the extra company. They make their way towards us.

"Is something wrong?" Zayn asks, coming beside me along with the other lads.

"You know Kaylie Maxwell, right?" the other asks and I nod, speechless. I don't know what to think, don't know what to expect. Then I remember I didn't see Kaylie in the crowd a while ago. She wasn't beside the other boys' girls where she usually would be when she attended our concert. 

"Mr. Styles, I'm sorry to say that Ms. Maxwell was involved in a car accident not far from here. If you'd like we could take you there," he tells me in a monotonus voice. At that moment, I could swear that my heart stopped for the briefest moment. My throat feels like it's closed and dry and everything starts to spin.

"Yes please," I manage to say and look at Paul who is standing near by.

"I'll have Redge and Dale go with you," he tells me, referring to two of our security guards.

"I'll go with him," Louis volunteers but Paul shakes his head. "We can't have anymore of you leaving. You still have fans waiting outside. Zayn, you fill out Harry's parts."

I could tell the boys are reluctant to have me go on my own but there's no other way. 

Everything passes by me in a blur. They boys give me words of comfort then I'm making my way out towards the back exit. A few fans are waiting outside and they see me entering the police car which causes quite a commotion but I can't really think about it too much. The drive is short and in this time they try to explain things, how they think the crash happened but I can't make my mind focus too much-like it was beyond my control. The only thing I picked up was that she kept calling my name when they tried pulling her out, which was why they came and got me. The rescue team had identified her and said she was my girlfriend. The next thing I know, I'm stepping out of the car and they lead me to the place of the accident. Blue and red lights flash around me and the crowd presses upon me. Everything feels so surreal, like it was all a dream but the knot in my stomach made sure I knew it was reality. It made things feel too real.

I don't know how I knew, I just did. My eyes immediately fall on the stretcher going towards the ambulance without having to search and I run towards it.

"Kaylie!!" I shout and I'm there beside her. There's a large gash on her head, leaving part of her face covered in blood. There are scrathes all over her arms from what I could see but what scares me the most is the mess on her torso. There's too much blood, I can't really see what's happened but I know it's bad.

"Kaylie!" I say again but this time my voice is shaky, weak, afraid. Her eyes are closed. The medics go around her, trying to stabilize her, trying to make her better so she can survive transport, as if the slightest movement to her would kill her and at this moment I feel like that could be true.

Lyrics to a Goodbye (a Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now