The le.....gend?

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(M=Muu and T=Titus)

M-"Titus!" yelled my Muu.

T-"Yes Muu?"

M-"There has been countless sightings of black fire and after it's reported all communications stop, permanently!"

T-"Oh, this is bad."

M-He looks at me with the expression. "No duh."

T-I got up and started to pace. "Maybe Scheherazade's memory storage has some information about this...."

M-"Titus, last time you did that you were out for a month."

T-"Don't worry I got it. Just got to do this aaaaannnnndddddd-"

Muu's pov


M-"..................stupid......... You  there, get Lo lo."

Random solider- "Yes sir."

--------------------timeskip 5 minutes later-----------------------

(M=Muu and L= Lo lo)

M-"Lo lo can you bring Titus to his room."

L-"Um sure...... 1. why didn't you do that? 2. What is he looking for now?"

M-"I have a meeting with Sinbad and he's looking for information about the black fire."

L-"Black fire....sounds familiar.....almost like a le...gend...............?"

M- "A legend?"

L- "Nah its probably not important." *picks Titus up* "I'm gonna put him in his room now, have fun at the meeting!"

M- A legend huh? I shack my head. "Lo lo's probably right, it's probably irrelevant."


C-Sorry for not updating stuff came up and uh, every authors enemy, writers block! I'll try to update more often. Until next time!

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