Seven Minutes

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"So, why are you guys throwing a party again?" Lauren asks Camila in what could have been a whisper if it weren't for the fact that there is music blasting from the stereo system in one corner of the room, drowning out her words.

Camila looks at Lauren half asleep and half drunk and gives her a crooked smile that makes Lauren's heart skip a beat. "Dinah's got a good grade on her midterm," she replies after a moment, basically talking in Lauren's ear.

Which is really inconvenient because Lauren is also a bit dizzy and Camila's breath caressing her ear is doing things to her body.

Things that are not so pure, by the way.

Taking advantage of the fact that they are close, Camila rests her head on Lauren's shoulder and they both watch the way the neon lights move around the living room, illuminating a dozen bodies dancing at the rhythm of the music on the dance floor.

Or the middle of the living room, whatever.

"Do you wanna dance?" Lauren talks slowly, turning her head so Camila can actually hear her above the noise.

Camila turns her head too and they are close but Lauren doesn't dare to move because she is sure she will either throw up thanks to the alcohol running in her veins, or she will end up kissing Camila.

(That last thought has been in her mind for days now and it is driving Lauren insane, seriously.)

Camila just shakes her head after a couple of seconds, silently telling Lauren that she is totally fine sitting on the couch with her. There are other people sitting there too but Lauren doesn't recognize them, so she doesn't pay them any attention even though they are literally making out beside her.

But hey, at least someone is having a good time, right?

Not like Lauren is not having fun, but she would rather be making out with someone, to be honest.

Dinah —Lauren and Camila's best friend— walks up to them a few minutes later, eyeing them suspiciously before she tells the other two people to get out of the couch and to get a room.

(But not really.)

"What's up? Are you guys okay?" Dinah asks them in a concerned tone, leaning over to look at the both of them as she sits beside Lauren.

When Lauren looks at Camila again she is sleeping but to be quite honest, she is not even surprised.

"I think she's tired," Lauren replies with sarcasm, giggling when Dinah claps her hands right in front of Camila's face to wake her up.

The motion obviously does nothing because Camila is actually a heavy sleeper and she is literally sleeping in the middle of a fucking party, so Lauren shoves Dinah away, assuring her that they are okay before the Polynesian girl decides to do her own things and leave them alone.

Almost fifteen minutes later Camila wakes up but when she does, she does something that Lauren has only dreamed before and in her current state, makes it really hard for her to believe that it actually happened.

Because when Camila wakes up, she looks around with her brow slightly furrowed and her lips frowned in a pout as if she is searching for someone and she is not happy that she is not finding that person, whoever that is.

Her eyes scan every single face in the room and Lauren is silently watching Camila until she looks up and her brown eyes find Lauren's green ones. The green-eyed girl smiles and the scowl adorning Camila's features turn into a happy grin, though it disappears as soon as she leans in to softly kiss Lauren's lips.

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