chapter 1

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Clark's P.O.V

I pull up to Waynes manor as I approach the door Alfred opens it. "Hello Mr. Kent I believe master Wayne is upstairs" I stop for a second and smile, I can hear his heartbeat, it's so loud today, I wonder if he knew I was coming over? 'i can hear him moaning maybe he already got himself started' I think to myself. As I ascend the stairs. I hear his voice "oh god this feels great just what I needed" I haven't seen him in weeks so I accept that it'll be a quickie for him. I then turn the handle to his bedroom with my shirt already off. I look up and stop dead in my tracks. I see harley mother fucking quinn on top of my boyfriend. I storm out of the house cursing with my eyes burning with tears I let one go and as it slowly drops down my face Bruce grabs my arm and spins me around. "What do you want" I growl through my clenched teeth. "Clark I'm sorry I didn't mean it. It was just until you were coming back." Bruce pleaded. My voice wavered as I screamed at him "how could you do this to me Bruce? I satisfied you for months and I leave for two weeks and your fucking deadpool's girlfriend? What the fuck?" just then Harley comes rushing out wearing nothing but one of Bruce's see through shirts "wait! Clark it wasn't his fault it's was me!"

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