\\ Chapter 1 //

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A/N: i started this during the summer and idk if i should continue with it LOL


There she lies. Dead, on the cold and hard ground.

"What have I done?"



"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Jesus Christ she didn't deserve this!"

A hot and wet liquid filled my eyes and began to flow down my cheeks as I looked down at her. Knowing that I killed her. Feeling the dried blood on my hands made it worse.

And with that,

I ran.

I ran as far away from her as I could. I couldn't stand to see her dead body.

"God Damnit! It was all me! I killed her! Fuck!"

I kept running.

I ran and ran and ran.

I ran until my tears dried up and it became a struggle to breathe.

My legs finally gave out and I went flying to the ground. As I slowly began to lose consciousness along with my vision, a silhouette ran up to me and grabbed me by my hair.

"What the hell Lauren!?"

"Wha- what?"

"I've been yelling your name for the longest fucking time, you bitch!"

"I- I didn't hear you. I'm sorry."

"Sorry my ass! For fucks sake! You always fuck up! Sorry this and sorry that!" He said, mocking my voice.

"I did what you fucking told me! Now let go of me!"

"You useless piece of shit." He mumbled as he threw me back on the ground.

"Tell me, how the fuck I'm 'useless' when, I followed all of your damn instructions! You made me kill the love of my life, for your sick pleasure!" I screamed at him, drawing attention to myself.

He looked around frantically, noticing the little crowd I managed to make.

"You know what? Fuck you!" I said right before I sunk my teeth into his hand.

"Shit! You crazy bitch!"

And then he was gone.

I cried. This time, it wasn't like before. I was sobbing. Suddenly, a quite petite woman came up to me.

She pulled my hair back as I puked. I was sick to my fucking stomach. I'm a cold, hard murderer.

"Hey, hey.." she shushed me.

"It's okay, just let it all out and breathe. Do you want a water?" She asked with a soft voice.

"I'm fine." I hissed. Sorry? I don't even know this damn woman?

"Okay, let me take you home. What's your address?" She asked.

"I don't have one." I spoke.

As I turned my head to get a better look at the girl, I noticed the confused, yet satisfied look on her face.

What the hell?


"Oh shit, sorry. Okay, let me take you back to my place. You need rest." she calmly replied.

As she lifted me up- bridal style, may I add- my vision seemed to have gotten a bit better. This gave me a better chance to look at her face. Very bony, looks like she hasn't eaten in days. Her cheekbones were very defined, and had large, dark circles around her eyes. Almost as if she was tired. She didn't look strong, but hell, she was. I didn't think she could pick me up, but she did.

I slowly drifted off into sleep: something I haven't gotten in 3 days. I was kidnapped. By a man named Gerald. Very buff man. Having tattoos all up and down his body, a very thick beard, and huge legs. Kinda scared me at first. Mama may have raised an emotionally unstable lesbian, but she aint raise no bitch.

"Wha- what's your name..?" I asked, trying to stay awake.

"Karla, but call me Camila. I like it better." She said, showing no emotion. Not even looking down at me.

"Where are we heading?" I stammered.

"My house, I told you this."

"Oh." This came out as a whisper, not intentionally though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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