Beautiful fear

19 7 4

Beautiful fear

Im afaid of what he may think
From the spread ink
The lines no one can see but one
That held up a tone

Im afaid of the knight
That once stood in the light
To help gather up strength to battles
The snake that rattles

He once stood in front

Not once did he flinch
Just one cold pinch
When steps a away
For a promise to stay

He stands tall
But still has that masks thats all
I miss that smile that I think I took
Just by fathers look

I miss the stiff shoulders that dropped
Once he hadto leave the cropped
What he know see is darker know
To be gone from the heart know

My Beautiful fear of being cold
With money sokd gold
Be a fake smile in life of lies
No bind or ties

I miss you
But im stuck in the beautiful fear

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