Chapter 6- It's No Secret

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Spencer and Kylie walked into the round table room (as they called it). All eyes were on them. Everyone but Hotch was uncontrollably smiling, but you could tell Hotch was secretly happy on the inside. Reid's face turned tomato red as he sat down next to Derek. Derek playfully punched him under the table.

"Nice job." Derek whispered.

"How do you know?" Reid whispered back.

"Okay, so in Oklahoma..." Garcia started.

"We'll talk about this on the jet." Derek responded.


"So, to pick up where we left off," Morgan started. "you didn't pick up your phone at all last night when you normally would. Then, you and Kylie walked in at the same time and you looked like a cherry tomato!"

"Do you know everything that happened last night?" Reid said, starting to look a little worried.

"I have a general idea but please, do tell me more. It's no secret that you to like each other." Derek said, intrigued.

"Well, we went on a date, we kissed, aaand we hooked up..." Spencer said, lowering his voice so no one else can hear him.

"My man! Way to go!" Derek said, looking proud while slapping Spencer's knee. Reid's face turned beet red again. He licked his lips and looked over his shoulder to see Kylie looking at him while biting her lip. Spencer turned back and looked back down at the file smiling.


"So, this man takes these women while they're home alone, robs the house, then leaves so when the boyfriend or family comes home, they see that she isn't home. Either taking these women is an after thought or robbing them is the after thought." Morgan said, examining the crime scene.

"Or maybe he targets these women for a reason. He may know that they have expensive things here and the women represent someone in is life." Emily said, bouncing ideas off Morgan.

"He's probably stalking them for a small amount of time before the home invasion. The time separation of the kidnaps is one month. Why kidnap someone if he gets to spend very little time with them?" Spencer tried to focus but his mind kept wandering back to Kylie. She was back at the Oklahoma police station with Hotch and JJ talking with the families. All he wanted was Kylie to be with him at the crime scene. He just wanted to feel her close to him.


~ The Next Day ~

"We've got an address." Hotch said, abruptly hanging up the phone. "Reid, Morgan, Emily, and Rossi will meet us there. Let's go." Hotch hurried the women out to the black SUV.


The word "Clear!" rang through the empty house as the team searched for the unsub. Once they realized he was gone, the team resembled in the living room to go over the profile.

"At least we got his name: Robert Swanson." Rossi said, looking hopeful.

Kylie heard the team blab on but she wasn't paying attention.

"The profile said he was --"

"I'm gonna go check outside to see if he's there." Kylie said, cutting off Derek.

"I'll go with you." Spencer volunteered. This made Derek look up at Spencer with an approving look on his face.

"I'll check the back. You check the front." Kylie said once they were out on the front porch.

"Okay, stay safe." Spencer said, kissing her forehead. Kylie let a small smile appear on her face.



Kylie quickly looked over her shoulder to see what made that noise. There was nothing there.


Kylie slowly stood up and crept her way towards the noise.


She hesitated, then kept going. The noise seemed to be coming from a bush.

Kylie looked behind the big bush. A shadowy figure crouched down slowly stood up. She gasped. The shadows hand reached out, spun her around, and put a big hand over her mouth. Kylie was too small and too shocked to fight back. The figure placed duct tape on her mouth and pushed her forcefully onto the cold dirt. Kylie was shaking and silently crying.

"Shhhh." The man said, placing a long finger over her taped mouth. He took Kylie's delicate hands and duct taped them together. The man whispered into Kylie's ear, "They can't help you now."

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