Stiles/Issac (Bromance)

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The two sarcastic teens never had a good friend ship but they didn't truly dislike me eachother. Yet one time they made a few to many remarks and Scott practically scolded them like they were siblings and their dad was upset. It made the others laugh but Issac and Stiles weren't happy. Scott made the two spend the whole next day together.

At first they were obviously bitter but then they were just eating and be sarcastic. They had finished lunch and after much argument Stiles payed. Now they were walking around town since they both said they weren't "riding around in the jeep" friendship yet.

While they walked they found out they both had a love for The Walking Dead. They had both watched the whole series and wanted to check out the comics. So they ended up spending the whole day at the comic/book store.

When they came back to Derricks not injured and actually laughing everyone thought they were on drugs. So they ignored eachother the rest of the night.

Since the rest of the pack wouldn't watch The Walking Dead they always made references and jokes about it when the pack was round and they were always so bewildered.

They stayed sarcastic and not "friends" but they liked eachother and would watch The Walking Dead together secretly.

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