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Do you ever feel like somehow something finally went right for you. But then all of the sudden someone manages to take away that glimmer of hope. You're left to cry for weeks on end. Then just as fast as it was gone it's back. That small hope. That need for happiness in the pit of your stomach. The way your brain flies back and forth on whether or not to believe what's happening or to believe it's a facade. Then in a matter of minutes. Utter seconds. And it's better. Best. Amazing. Everything you've imagined could happen did. And there's no going down. Flying on the high off contentment and feeling the breeze, enjoying, loving the ride. One day. Two days. Three days. The days get better every moment. The impossible is suddenly easy. Words flow out simply and coherently and even when things take a nosedive they are mere pebbles rather than boulders. Small and worthless. Unnoticed and ignored. What if that breeze that carried you through life. Day by day. Wasn't a breeze. It was better. A person. And an amazing one at that. One to help you. Guide you. For you to help and guide. For both of you to love. And nothing, at all can change it.
Until something does.
And your life falls to pieces.

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