When Someone Hurts You

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Jeff & Liu

During your teen years, you weren't one to socialize. Sure, you had your small group but that's it.

So it was no surprise when the 'it' girl chose you as her target. However, she just so happened to mess with you on your way home.

Walking home from school was usually quiet and peaceful, nobody dared talk to you because you were deemed 'creepy'.

That's why you were shocked when some girls from school started pushing you around, and before you could realize it you were on the ground getting kicked and scratched.

Well, that was until Jeff and Liu came out.

Once they caught sight of you — their little sister — on the floor in pain, it's like something inside of them snapped.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY LITTLE SISTER!!!" Was the last sentence you could hear before one of the girls kicked you in the head, causing you to pass out.

Which both of your brothers were thankful for, because now you didn't have to see them deal with the girls. And you never questioned what happened that day — all you knew was that you never saw those girls again.

Ticci Toby

You were just walking around the school halls by yourself, trying to avoid any unwanted attention.

When suddenly, you got shoved into a nearby locker.

Your eyes widened, but not in pain, in shock.
It seemed as though it came out of nowhere. Which is why you quickly turned around to face the cruel person.

And there she[they] was[were], the group of girls that practically threw themselves at your brother. Which confused you because he never came to school — besides to pick you up.

"Stay away from Toby, bitch!"

"You think he wants a whore like you?!"

Was the insults they spewed at you, only for you to just sit down with a blank expression.

'He's my brother, idiot.'

Which, if you may have guessed, made them furious.

"You can't hear me, (Y/n)?!"

Was the last sentence she said before taking some physical actions: hair pulling, slapping, clawing, punching.

Though, you never felt a single thing. It was to the point where other students had to pull the group of girls away due to how beat up you looked.

Which lead to Toby getting called from the school.

"W.. who did this?"

Toby's eyes said it all, he'd make sure the girl paid for 'hurting' you.

And that he did.

Eyeless Jack

It was normal to get your heartbroken, but it seemed as though this time was different.

The aching within your heart was too extreme.

And you knew why. You'd never admit it out loud but, you liked this boy more than any of the others.

You even thought that maybe he could be the one.

And now, his heart laid in front of you on a dinner plate — ready to be eaten. But it hurt too much. Even looking at it, caused an immense pain in your stomach.

You then started debating on keeping the heart, but was soon interrupted once you heard your brother eating... your ex-lover's kidneys.

That's when the tears poured out.

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