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It was about 12 in the afternoon, Jungkook was sleeping in his room, the fan that sat on the floor was loud and obnoxious. But it kept him cool


The sound of his phone that came from the dresser called out, he got out of bed sluggishly, walking toward with his feet that felt like they were ready to give out

"Hey Kookie! Wanna hang out with us at Lucky's?"
"What do you mean? Just the both of us?"
"No with Taehyung-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Yoongi-hyung"
"Sure, I could get out of the house for a while"
"Okay, we'll come and pick you up around...6:15?"
"That'll work"
"Okay, see you then"

He pressed the red button that was in the middle of the screen

He's doesn't care about what happened between us, two nights ago?


Jungkook turned his head toward his window with the blue curtains that hung steadily over it, hearing a honk, he grabbed his phone, put it in his pocket and walked out of his room, and down the stairs.

"I'll be back before 11 mom, love you"
"Yeah" he spun around on his left heel with his hands in his pocket
"You're dad is coming tomorrow, to visit you, and I want you to see him before he leaves, okay?"
"Have fun, be careful"
"I will"

"Can you walk any slower!!" A shout came from the car, it was Yoongi who sat in the passenger seat
"Yeah, we don't have all night!" Hoseok yelled from the driver seat

Jungkook jogged to the car and got in with Jimin smiling at him, they drove pass Lucky's which was a little coffee shop

"Where are we going? I thought we were going to Lucky's?"
"We're going to this club, down the street" Yoongi said
"So Jimin, you lied to me?"
"Hey they forced me, I had no intention on bringing you there"
"And by the way, where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asked
"He's busy, he said he was helping his dad with something" Hoseok said concentrated on the road
"It'll be fun, you guys will love it" Yoongi said
"But Hoseok-hyung, isn't this the club you and Yoongi-hyung got together at?" Jimin asked
"It is actually" Hoseok said grabbing his hand
"You just make it odd and cheesy" Yoongi said while doing his little soft chuckle

Jimin smiled and looked at Jungkook who was staring out the window with no expression on his face

"I'll be with you all night, I promise" Jimin smiled grabbing his hand, Jungkook looked down at their hands that were intertwined with each other and smiled


Everyone got out of the car as soon as they reached their destination

"Before we go in, who's buying drinks?" Yoongi said standing at the curb with his arm around Hoseoks shoulders

"I will, I guess" Jimin said raising his small finger

"Okay it's settled let's go" Yoongi said signaling everyone inside

The boys all walked inside to a big room with green, blue, purple, pink lights flashing around with loud music playing in the background

"The bar is over there!" Yoongi shouted being dragged by Hoseok who was eager to dance

Jimin nodded and grabbed Jungkooks hand leading him along with Jimin

"8 shots of tequila is fine"
"Are you drinking?" Jungkook asked the shorter male
"Yeah, why?" He gave a little chuckle
"I just didn't know you drank, is all"
"Ha, thank you" Jimin said grabbing the tray of alcohol
"Let's go sit over there" Jimin walked toward the booth that was a dark purple, Jungkook followed
"Is this your first time drinking?" Jungkook asked curiously
"No, I've drank with Taehyung"
"During the days you ignored me"
"Oh" Jungkook said turning his head to the little menu of drinks that sat in the middle of the table
"Yess, drinks" Yoongi said out of breath

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