Chapter 9

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After two years of dating and frequent visits of Jungkook Yoongi has something to confess to Jimin. (Also several more murders)

"Jimin, I have something I want to tell you" I say nervously.

"You didn't kill another person did you?" Replies.

"No no no,  the it's important" I say.

"Go on, tell me"

"I-I love you" I say.

"I love you to" he replies. I give him a hug and a kiss happy that he loves me to. I press my lips to his and we sit on the couch kissing for a little while. We pull away and smile before pulling back into a hug.

"사랑해 (I love you)" he whispers into my ear. I smile a little then pull away.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"Kinda yeah" he replies.

"Jin has invited us to dinner at his house tonight at five o' clock" I say.

"I am looking forward to it" he says. There's a knock on the door so I go and answer it. Jungkook stands at the door with a man.

"He needs to get away, he did something but he won't tell me!" Jungkook says.

"Maybe because your a cop" I say.

"Your a cop?!" The man says.

"Yeah" Jungkook snaps, he leaves probably going back home.

"I help you get away and start a new life" I say, I'm going to kill him. He comes inside and Jimin makes us some food.

"How are you going to help me?" The man claiming that his name is Hyunwoo. I ignore his question. Jimin sits quietly eating his food just listening to the radio. I think Jimin knows how I'm going to help this man get away. The day carries on and we do our own things like nothing ever happened.

Jimin sits on the bed staring at his hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Your going to kill him, am I right?" He asks.

"I have to and I want to. Killing is fun."  I say.

"Will you make him suffer?" He asks looking up at me.

"No, unless you want me to" I say.

"Do it" Jimin says looking up at me.


"Make him suffer" Jimin says angrily.

"The thing he did wasn't as bad as the things I have done" I say confused.

"No but Jungkook and Hani were friends like really good friends, so him killing her hurt him and that is really bad" Jimin says. I look down and sigh, Jimin's feet appear in my line of sight. I look up then his lips connect with mine, lift him up and press him against the wall with his legs and arms wrapped around me. I kiss down his neck making him moan a little.

"Hey Yoong- oh" The man says opening the bedroom door, Jimin and I break apart.

"It's fine" I say.

"I'm ready to go" he says showing me a suitcase.

"Okay, im just going to go get my car then I drive you" I say. I kiss Jimin before I leave to get my car.

We get to the butcher shop and he starts asking questions.

"Shut up and get out of the car" I snap holding a gun on him.

"You won't get away away with this" he says.

"I have before and I will again" I say pushing him into the back room. I chain him to the ceiling after stripping him of his clothes. I grab the knife from the counter then I press it lightly onto his skin.

"You were going to help get away and have a new life" he says with panic in his voice.

"I didn't say how though" I say.

"What's your name? And I need your actual one the police are going to have to be able to identify your remains" I say.



"My name is Park Hyunwoo" he says.

"Good, now stay still" I say as I press the the tip of the blade into his skin, he clenches his teeth shut. I carve 박 현우 (park hyunwoo) into his leg. He screams begging for me to stop. I press the knife onto his back and carve some information about him onto it. Blood spills from his body making me smile.

"That wasn't too bad now was it" I say patting the carved words on his back making him flinch in pain. I lower him a little I am face to face with him. I hold the knife up to his eye.

"No, please" he says shutting his eyes.

"I can cut your eyelids off so closing them doesn't help" I say. He opens his eyes for a moment so I take the opportunity to gouge out his eyes with the knife. I push the blade under his eye and cut a bit of the flesh behind it. He screams loudly making me smile. I cut the part that holds the eye in place then I pop his eye out. I put the first eye in a jar. A big red hole with lots of blood gushing out remains.

"And now for the other" I say as I push the blade under the eye and cut the part that holds it in. Blood streams down his face and he screams in pain. His eyes are now swollen shut. I cut the swollen part off leaving the dark red pits.  My phone buzzes interrupting me of my fun. I leave the room to answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, it's Jin. Are you coming to dinner?" He asks.

"I'm afraid not, something came up. Maybe another time" I say.

"Okay" Jin replies before hanging up. I walk back into the room and use the knife to cut off his ears. The ears go in the same jar as the eyes. Hyunwoo is barely alive and cannot move. I slit his throat hearing one last groan out of him. I run out side and grab the suit case. I saw off his limbs and head then pack it into the suitcase. As I clean up the room the back door opens and Jimins face appears.

"Jimin, what are you doing here?" I ask as I continue to clean up the blood.

"I wanted to see if you were done" he says.

"I finished a little while ago" I say cleaning up the last of the blood. He nods then leaves shutting the door behind him. I grab the suit case and roll it out to the back of my car.

"Wanna ride back?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says. He gets in the passenger seat and waits for me to start the car.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"My mom just died of cancer" he says.

"I'm sorry to hear that, what can I do to make you feel better" I say.

"Movies" he says, I nod and we drive back to the house. I clean my self up as soon as we get home.

Later that night I had gotten rid of the suitcase by throwing it in the lake and watch it sink to the bottom. Jimin had fallen asleep on the couch so I carry him to the bedroom. He sleeps on my chest for the rest of the night.

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