Disney Villains

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PsychoticSanders asked who my favourite Disney villain is and why.

Lexi: Mine is definitely Hades from Hercules. He tries to remain calm but he just can't I like that he tries. He's also pretty funny.

Mine would have to be Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

Lexi: You actually made a decision?! Wow Princey! I'm proud of you!! *claps*

I like Gaston the best because all he wanted was Belle's hand in marriage. Is that too much to ask for?

Lexi: Yes, Princey. It is too much to ask for. Belle didn't love Gaston!

Yes, that is true, but, if she agreed to marry him, none of this would of happened!

Lexi: That would mean no movie.

Alright, but still, he meant well.

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