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The End (Adam)

(A/N: This part had gone through many revisions and this was the only one I was pleased with. I wanted this chapter to be calming in a way, so there's nothing active going on. Enjoy.)

"So..." I muttered as Drake got into the passenger seat to rest. "How'd it go?"

Drake smiled a little. "I told Faith about her. She didn't cry, but she's still over there."

I nodded. "I can see Theo looking after her. She's grown so much since I last saw her."

I watched my husband crouch down to where Faith was sitting. She showed him a piece of paper and he nodded approvingly.

"Oh, here they come," I said.

Drake sat up in the seat as his sister ran toward the car, her brown hair trailing behind her. Theo was walking casually behind, smiling slightly.

"Brother!" Faith squealed in delight as Drake got out of the car to meet her. "I drew this! Is it pretty?"

Tears welled up in his eyes and he smiled. "Oh, it's so pretty, Faith," he said. "Is it for mommy?"

"I think mommy would want me to give it to you."

"Yes, I think this would be nice to keep in the house." Drake nodded and kissed her forehead. "Come on. Time to get in the car. Adam and Theo have to go pick up Percy from daycare."

I watched as Drake buckled his sister into her car seat as Theo slid into the passenger seat. "Are you all buckled, Faith?" I asked.

"Yes, sir!" She answered as Drake got in the back next to her.

"Okay," Theo chuckled. "Adam, do you think we could drop Drake and Faith off at their home before picking up Percy?"

"Oh, I think that can work," I answered as I pulled out of the parking space.

Faith waved goodbye at the graveyard that held her mom, saying something like she'll visit soon. Drake looked down at the picture his sister drew and smiled.

"Eyes on the road, babe," Theo told me.

"Of course." I drove through the streets and stopped in front of Drake's house. "We'll come back with Percy and you can play with him here, Faith," I told her as Drake got out.

"Thank you, Uncle Adam," Faith said as Drake got her out. "Bye bye, Uncle Theo."

"Bye bye," Theo waved as I pulled away. He smiled slightly. "She's a cutie."

"Yeah," I sighed. "5 years old already. Time flies by fast."

"Not fast enough," Theo said. "Drake still needs to propose to his boyfriend."

"He will in time," I told Theo. "We can't rush him. He's still struggling after Nate died."

Theo nodded sadly. "Adam, do you know why he walked in front of the truck?"

"I'd rather not," I said. "But Drake said he never truly loved him. He still loved his past boyfriend. And I understand. It's not easy letting a lover go."

We drove in silence until we got to the daycare.

"Is it my turn to pick up Percy?" I asked.


"Okay. I'll be back soon." I got out of the car and walked up to the house. "Hello, Evlyn," I greeted the caretaker.

"Hey," she answered. "Percy has been excellent today. He's in the play room. I'll check him out for you."

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