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Erika's POV
We stripped of our swimsuits and I look over at her.

"Come on" I said and she laughs and we go into the water.

We swim and splash around for a while, laughing and talking and having fun.

"I feel so freee" she said and I nodded agreeing.
"And I love it." I said and she nods.
"I should do this more often this is nice" I said
"Yeah" she agreed and I chuckled again.

I always am laughing around Bree and that's one of my favorite things about our friendship.

After a little while longer, we get out and slipped on our swimsuits again, I grab my phone and call Grayson.

"Yoooooooo" I said as he answered and he chuckles
"Hey beautiful what's up?" He asked.
"Can you pick me up from the beach? Well me and my friend Bree?" I asked him.

"Why are you at the beach so late?" He asked.

"Just having fun" I said and Bree chuckles.
"Yeah Ethan wants to come too so.. see you soon" he said making me smile.
"We should also stop by somewhere for food" I said before we got off the phone.
"Alright we will after we pick you up" he said
"Okay" I agreed.

We hang up and after a little while he texts me he is here.

We throw on our tshirts.
"Come on" I said an we go out to the parking lot, seeing their car quickly.

Ethan hops out of the front seat and his eyes widen when he sees it's more than just me.

"I-I uh. I thought it was just Erika.." he said glancing back at Grayson.

"Oh yeah. Her friend Bree is coming too" Grayson said and Bree and I started laughing as Ethan blushes looking at Bree. Awh. He thinks she's pretty.
I mean duh. She is gorgeous but still. Awh.

"You good with sitting in the back with Bree Bro?" Grayson asked and Ethan nods quickly, making me laugh.
I climb into the passenger seat as Bree and Ethan get into the back.
"Hey cutie" Grayson said and I smiled, pulling on my seatbelt.

"So .. why exactly did you call us to pick you up?" Grayson asked me.

"Well. You owed me a ride for one, and secondly, I like hanging out with y'all." I said shrugging
"I did owe you a ride" he agreed with me.

"Yeah Atleast I'm not falling out the window and hopping out the car making you drive behind me while I run two miles away from you." I said and he blushes chuckling a little.

"Ric I apologized. I was drunk" he said.

"Mhmmm and how old are you?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he glances over at me.

"That's not the point" he said huffing.

"Mhmmm" I replied
"Pfft don't act like you've never done it" he said.

"I'm not. But I don't think I act that crazy when I'm drunk do I?" I asked glancing back at Bree.

"Nah bro your really funny and laid back" she answered.

"OH MY GOD" Grayson screamed, slamming on the breaks.

"What?" I asked
"I almost forgot about food" he said and I glared at him for scaring me.

"Your lucky the streets aren't as busy as they usually are you butthole" I said smacking his chest as he chuckles.
"Oh. By the way Grayson. You were very offensive last night. I believe you owe me an apology" Ethan said
"For what??" Grayson asked.

"For calling me a poo poo pooper head meany pants and many other mean things" Ethan said and I chuckled.

"I Did Not" Grayson said gasping.
"Yes you did." Ethan said and he sighs

"I'm sorry for calling you a poo poo pooper head meany pants" he huffed out and Ethan nods in approval.
"I don't accept your apology" Ethan replied and Grayson sighs.

"I said I'm sorry alright the least you can do is accept my damn apology Ethan" he said

"Well maybe I don't like being called poo poo pooper head meany pants you doo doo head" Ethan replied.

"Get over yourselves." I said as we got to the drive thru of In n out.  We order and get our food before heading back to their apartment.

"So how was the beach by the way?" Grayson asked and I glanced back at Bree smirking.
"Fun" I replied.

"So who is Bree exactly?" Grayson asked.
"My best friend" I said.
"I thought I was your best friend" Grayson exclaimed.
"If you wanna be my friend" I replied.

"Are you friend zoning me?" Grayson asked, putting his hand on his heart.

"Actually. I think you friend zoned yourself" Ethan said and patted Gray's shoulder.

"I didn't mean that though" he whined.
"Y'all should fuck" Bree said and I glared back at her.
"I agree. Take Bree's advice" Grayson said glancing over at me as we pulled into the parking garage.

Summer 17// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now