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Aph: hey guys guess what we are going to do
Garroth: oh nonono
Travis: hehehe wait no!
Zane: oh no
Vylad:you don't want to know
Aph: travis you read

Travis:At aphmaus house wile vylad and Lucinda were in the basement doing there thing😏(for the shippers) not nesersarlay dirty aphmau invited zane and garroth to her home and they ring the doorbell
G: since when have I ever rang a doorbell
A: he's right
Z: yeah instead it cost lots of money to repair the doors

T: haha anyways aphmau answered the door and said
A: oh meh gawd iz u giys
G: oh yeah hey aphmau
Z: hiiiiiiii😒
T: at the moment they finished talking vylad ran up the stairs
L: oh hey garroth and ugh zane
Z: I like how you say my name as if I don't exist
L: I don't need to try
T: and at that moment aphmau yelled and Lucinda dropped a potion
L: oh no
T: and the guys turned into.... 😻BABIES😻
V/g/z: noooooooo
T: and that's the end of the fanfic made by it say ps a reader said they wanted to see the romave as babies

Shout out red_kool-aid and sorry if I didn't spell it right but here is a pic of da babies

Shout out red_kool-aid and sorry if I didn't spell it right but here is a pic of da babies

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