You'll never know because I'll never send
I liked you soo much, but you'll never know. You're happy with her. She who rejected you once and you who rejected me twice. Ain't it funny. All these years wasted on how much you meant to me, but not even a glance from you. You'll never know how I felt when you went out with all my friends and I was left in the shadows. I'm so stupid , I picked you over them. Every. Single. Time. You'll never know those endless nights when I cried myself to sleep and woke up with a smile on my face. You'll never know....
And then you told me that we couldn't even be that close anymore because it was disrespectful to the bitch who has you on a leash you call a great girlfriend I swear I felt my heart sink. How could you pick her over me when I would do anything and have done everything I possibly can to make you happy and she only makes you smile at times cause you guys are always fighting and she has so many restrictions?. I never told you what she had said and how much it hurt when she said it because you were or seemed happy so I didn't wanna bother you. But I guess she was right when she said to ask you to pretend to be my friend cause real friends don't do this. Who's the fake one now huh? That 15s dinner was for me and my family and I considered you a part of it until you sent me that text. I should've known that you would pick her over me. I mean. Why wouldn't you? I'm just a push over that would do a lot of what you asked me to do and almost all the favors. So why would you pick me over her? It's not like I've been there for you all these years. Oh wait I was 😂. Damn life is so funny. I'm so over all this bullshit that is my life. I'm literally everyone's second choice. And no one fucking listens to me when I talk. Because I'm not FUCKING important to anyone AND when I think I am I get a slap in the face with reality. No one likes me. I really am alone in this world. And nothing will ever change. Because I'll never be enough to anyone. Not. Even. Myself. Anymore......
I hope everyone is happy. Because I sure as hell ain't. Fuck everyone. Especially you, you fucking asshole. Fuck you for making me believe you were actually my friend and that I could depend on you.🖕🏼
__Hope you guys liked this I know that its
bit much but I was extremely hurt at the
the moment.
Too Many Tears Not Enough Eyes
PoetryThese are things that I write because if I don't put them somewhere I won't be able to sleep. They're like poetry but not really. Hope you enjoy. The first is a little story and the others are most likely gonna be my "poems". Also please don't copy...