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"You can open your eyes now, mommy" my daughter, Teresa says. She's dressed in a bubblegum pink frock, jumping up and down. 

I open my eyes and they are greeted with dark green grass. On the grass is a picnic basket, overflowing with treats. I grin, and I feel like I cannot grin hard enough.

"You did this all for me?" I ask, flattered.

"With a little help of daddy." Isabella says, as she bounces on her feet.

And I look at James and I smile wide and hug both of them. The hug turns into a tickle fight and we collapse on the ground laughing. 


That night, just before I go to bed, I lie in the bathtub, just thinking.

Life is a road... And no one knows how long the road lasts. Finn Woods reached the end of his road. I used to think that Finn Woods and I, our roads mixed but the truth is, they never did.

We are all born with a purpose. We cannot choose when we die and how we die. That is chosen for us. And Finn Woods' death was chosen for him. 

If I had reached out to Finn Woods, I would ruin nature's cycle. Finn Woods had achieved his purpose in life and he had to go.

I saved James, because I knew James' road was longer than Finn's. James still had not met his purpose. He had so many years to go, so many things to explore. His road was not over yet.

And his road and I road crossed.

Looking back to seventeen years ago, to the lost sad Evanna, I smile because I am so much happier now. Hope is alive and hope is with me.

The lost sad Evanna wished for hapiness. But now I know that no matter how much you wish for hapiness, no one can bring you hapiness except yourself. People can give you a more positive outlook, but they cannot make you happy. You yourself have to choose to be happy.

And being happy doesn't mean everything is going to be perfect. There is still going to be suffering because suffering is essential to life. Being happy means that even through the suffering, you see that spark of light. Being happy is finding joy in everything. Being is happy is learning to love the rain, because if there wasn't any rain, how would plants grow?

In simple terms, without suffering we can never grow, we can never learn. 

I'm married with two kids, Isabella and Teresa and they are my little gems. And I am happy.

I really am happy.

All is well.

Author's Note: I might have copied the last line from Harry Potter oops.

If you are feeling suicidal or depressed:

Talk to someone. I know people say to talk to an adult but talk to anyone you feel comfortable with. Let it out.

Please, please do not go to the extent of killing yourself.

I know you probably think I am some person who doesn't know anything about depression but I do. I have been depressed before and I have recovered.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

And know, you are not alone. 

P.S: I will be publishing another story soon, but unlike Evanna Brooks, it'll be a little more light hearted and modern. But just like Evanna Brooks, it will have a message.

Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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