Chapter 2: Serendipity

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Cameron's POV:

The brunette that was in front of us giggled then said "I gotta go Em. Im at Starbucks and It's now my turn to order. I love you Emster! See you soon. Byeee" She quickly hang up and held her iPhone in one hand while she digs through her purse looking for what I assume is her wallet.

That giggle and that cant be!

"Hi sorry about that. Umm can I get a grande Hazelnut Frappuccino, please. Thank you." She said sweetly and politely to the lady in the front counter who was taking her order. I am impatiently waiting to get a glimpse of her face so that I can assure myself that I'm just hallucinating due to the lack of sleep. Just when I was about to see her face as she is about to walk to the side counter to wait for her drink, Nash grabbed my shoulder so I could face him.

"Bro are you okay? You seem bothered?" Nash placed a hand on my shoulder as he examines my face.

"Yah Im Fine. Im just a little tired. I really need some sleep." He just nodded, but he doesn't seem to look convinced.

I quickly turned around in hopes of getting a glimpse of the mysterious girl's face. And when I did, I didn't know whether I should run up to her and hug her or run away like I did 2 years ago. Her attention was still focused on her phone, and I'm pretty sure she hasn't noticed me yet. I decided on going with option number 2. I quickly turned around and started to walk away when Nash blocked my way.

"Where are you going?" he inquired.

"I'm going to the... the... you know" I was so nervous that I can hardly form any words to say. The other boys, except Matt and Aaron who was getting their orders taken, seemed to be concerned as well as they stopped their conversation and focused their attention on me. They all asked me if everything was fine and I said yes. I tried to make up some excuses to get away as soon as possible before she sees me, but they never let me go without a proper answer. I don't know why I wanted to run away when all I've wanted was to see her again and have her back. Maybe because I was afraid of the rejection that's coming. Maybe I was afraid to know that there is no hope anymore. I wasn't prepared to have my hopes shattered. I wasn't prepared to face the reality of my mistakes.

"Hazelnut Frappuccino for Tori!!" the guy called out, giving en emphasis on her name.

The boys and I stopped talking as soon as we heard it. I'm pretty sure that they've figured it out by now as to why I suddenly started to act this way.

"Oh." Taylor suddenly broke the silence as he speaks what was in everyone's mind.

I heard Tori mumble a quick "Thank You" to the guy. As soon as I heard that I immediately started to force my way out, but I failed once again as Jack G caught me. All the boys started to push me back inside and forced me to talk to her, but I can't. How can I?

"Guys please. Just let me go!!"

"Cameron this is your chance! And it may be your last chance! Don't waste it!" Shawn tried to convince me from behind. I could hear heels clicking on the floor which only meant one thing... She's getting closer. Jack G. managed to turn me around to face her direction and pushed me towards her. We softly bumped into each other. She didn't fall but the impact sent her a couple of steps back from me.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't payin..." She looked up from her phone to see who she bumped into and that's when her eyes met mine. And for the first time in 2 years, I felt whole again.

"Hey." Was all I could mutter. I barely smiled as my entire body was frozen in shock

"Hi." She replied as she swallowed. She looked like she had seen a ghost. And the word that came out of her mouth seemed forced.

"How are have you been Tori?" Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion before she uttered the words that I never expected were coming.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

My smile dropped when the last four words came out of her mouth, I felt the world slow down as I try to take in what she just said. I tried to open my mouth to try and get some words out, but none came out.

When I couldn't make out any words she spoke again "I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you?"

"I'm Cameron. Cameron Dallas. Don't you remember me?" It hurts to know that she has already forgotten about me.

"No. Sorry, but I can't seem to recall knowing you." Every word were like daggers piercing through my heart. I'm sure I deserved it, but I would rather receive a slap on both cheeks from her rather than this.

"We met each other back in Chino, California in the summer of 2010 in your dad's vet clinic." I tried to give her some sort of recollection as tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"Im really sorry, but I couldn't remember meeting nor knowing you." She paused then continued when I didn't say anything "I was in an accident almost 2 years ago and got amnesia. I lost some collective memories due to the traumatic impact."

Again, I was left speechless. I didn't know what to say or do or think. Nothing made sense anymore.

"I have to go catch my flight. I'm really sorry." She tried to show some sympathy, but it wasn't clear. Like she seems unaffected.

I stood there, my feet frozen to the ground, as she walks away. She stopped when she was a couple of meters away. For a second, I thought she would turn around and tell me she was joking or give me at least one last look, but she never did any of that. She just paused for a couple of seconds then continued to walk away from me.

The boys looked at me with sympathy. Even they didn't know what to say nor do. They tried to comfort me by patting my back and giving me advice and some pep talks. They tried to assure me that everything will be ok. But nothing worked because I knew, we all knew that it'll never be ok. I messed up big time and now im starting to experience the aftermath of my own mistakes. I couldn't help but blame myself for everything. This was all my fault. If I hadnt left her in the first place, she wouldn't have forgotten me. I can't believe I'm letting her slip away again. I can't believe I'm losing her for the second time around. All that we had is lost. To be honest, I am happy that I got to see her again, and also because she still exists in my world. But I'm devastated because I don't in hers anymore.

...To her, I'm nothing, but a blur.

A/N: Sorry guys. I know I promised I would double update yesterday and believe me I planned on doing so, but something personal suddenly came up and I had to deal with it first...I am so sorry, but here's Chapter 2:) Chapter 3 will probably be in Tori's POV--hint: there's a big schocker in Chapter 3:D Anyways, Thanks to those who are patiently waiting for my updates and those who voted. It means a lot. Please do keep on voting if u like the story and let me know how im doing by giving me a feedback:) Follow me for more updates. Thank u guys❤️ -A.

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