Chapter Three

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"Well Ms. Davis, it seems as if you severely sprained your wrist."

I could feel my life turn around completely with that simple phrase.

"Well what happens from now on?" I asked the doctor, who was giving me a sympathetic look.

"Your lucky that it wasn't a broken wrist and just a very severe sprain. We will put you in a brace from now on, but if you feel any pain after a week or so you have to come back so that we may cast you."

"How long will I be in the brace for?" I asked him, tearing up.

"You would have to wear it for about a month and for football you have to wear it no matter what. You're pretty much stuck with the brace if you continue to play football."

"But you said that it wasn't broken. Shouldn't it be healed by the time the month is up?"

"Yes, but I don't want to take any other chances on you injuring it anymore. If you were to land on in without the brace on, you could potentially fracture it and that would create even more complications for the future. I'm going to get the nurse to set you up with a brace." He told me sadly, before leaving the room.

A sob escaped my mouth and I was immediately embraced by the arms of Tyler

"Shh. Don't cry Alex." Tyler said while rubbing my back in a soothing way.

"Tyler, this could impact my football career! Because of freaking Micheal, my wrist is all messed up! I may never play football again!" I yelled at him with tears running down my face.

"Hey, the doctor never said you wouldn't be able to play anymore. He said that you have to be careful and wear the brace when you play. I'm pretty sure that Micheal feels bad right now. You know that he never meant to hurt you. Hell, I'm going to beat the crap out of him when I see him."

I smiled a little bit, "I know you will. He deserves it."

"See, theres that smile that I love so much," He teased.

I let out a little giggle as the door opened. Tyler always knew how to make me feel better.

"Hey Alex."

I stopped laughing and my face instantly became hard.

"I don't want to talk to you." I said simply.

"Alex, please. I really need to talk to you." Micheal said, while giving me a sad smile. My face almost became soft after hearing his sincerity, but felt the throbbing pain in my wrist which brought me back into reality.

"And talk about what?! Because of you, you ruined my football career! Because of you, I'm injured. Because of you, I may not play football in the future. So don't come at me with a damn apology, because I'm sure as hell ain't going to accept it. We're best friends Micheal and you did this to me. Why? Just so you and the guys could have a good laugh. You know how dangerous that hill is to jump off on, let alone throw someone down it. I'm done Micheal. You can walk yourself out." I yelled at him, with tears streaming down my face again.

"Alex I didn-"

"You heard her Micheal. I don't even want you near her. You're not welcome in our home anymore. Now leave." Tyler cut him off.

"Fine. I'm leaving. But eventually you will talk to be Alexandria. I'll make sure of it. I'm not losing you." Micheal said before leaving the room, with tears in his eyes.

He slammed the door shut and I couldn't help but sob out again. I just lost my best friend.

Of course I don't hate Micheal. He's like my big brother. I'd do anything for him, but because of his stupid actions I'm upset with him. It saddens me because I won't have him there for me. He's been there since I've been in diapers. Through my first boyfriend, first heartbreak, first everything. He supported me when I decided to play football when no one else did and I lost him.

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