"The puppet stand is done"

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Hello Kitty:Yay! We are almost done,let's just add some few  decorations to it and we are ready!
Dear Daniel:Kitty,the logo is already done.
Hello Kitty:Okay!
Mimi:Wow,that is one good lookin' puppet stand,I'm sure plenty of kids will watch the puppet show...
Papa:Good job kids,the puppet stand is outstanding!
Hello Kitty:Thank you Papa!🙂
Melody:Well..it really tooked us an hour or 3 to do it.
Mama:Well,you guys did a great job.
Kereoppi:Let's make the puppets right now!
Batz Maru:Yeah!
Hello Kitty:It's already done,I made it last night...
Melody:Come on,let's set the stand up!

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