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Story takes place in a universe where Beacon Academy is just a prep highschool and the RWBY cast did not learn to fight Grimm (because they don't exactly exist in this universe). Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona and Yang Xiao Long have already graduated from Beacon Academy while Ruby still has a year and a half.

Ruby Rose, age 16, student at Beacon Academy.

- Lives with Weiss Schnee in Dusk Apartments.

-Has grown out her hair to shoulder length.

- Has a Golden Dragon and Rose tattoo on her arm.

- Has a Golden Dragon and Rose tattoo on her arm

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Weiss Schnee, age 18, trainee at Schnee Dust Agency.

-Lives with Ruby Rose in Dusk Apartments.

-Under the supervision of Winter Schnee while working.

-Has a slight addiction to Blueberry Iced Coffee.

-Has a slight addiction to Blueberry Iced Coffee

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Blake Belladona, age 18, waitress at Dawn's Tea.

-Lives with Yang Xiao Long at Dawn Condos.

-Plays many instruments (Guitar, Drums, Violin & Piano).

-Became a master at mixing drinks (Tea, Coffee, Soda/Pop & Alcohol).

-Became a master at mixing drinks (Tea, Coffee, Soda/Pop & Alcohol)

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