Welcome to the Black Parade

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( Eka galère apparemment avec mon clavier )

As a child

My father brought me into the city.

Look at the trumpet.

"When you have grown up," he said

She broke a savior?

Beat People Who Criticize? »

He said, "Can you overcome it?

All unbelievers and spirits

What is a plan to be demonstrated? »

"Because I'm leaving one day

The Spirit will guide you through this summer.

Sign in for the parade. »  (seeeeeecteee)

As a child

My father brought me into the city.

Look at the trumpet.

"When you have grown up," he said

She broke a savior?

Beat People Who Criticize? »

Sometimes I felt she was looking at me.

I think if I go in a different time.

And through it all, the rise and fall of the dead.

I want everyone to know when you leave.

We want to continue.

We will continue.

I believe you died for me.

Your memory has been resumed.

We will continue.

I can not hold it in my heart.

Do not explain the song.

For your May dream of your World, send cold.

Your tribulations and your hatred will kill us.

So to continue to black to fight and bring them back.

Cry in loud.

Finally, I heard the call.

To continue

We will continue.

I believe you died for me.

Your memory has been resumed.

We will continue.

But if it breaks, is failed

The paralyzed widow marries.

We will continue to feel scared.

 Fifty 5555

College faces disappointing

Fifty 5555

I'm worried because I see it.

Will not kill me.

Because the world will always be my heartbeat

Go'll will not hurt you.

November wish. We want to play this role.

I will not explain or say I'm sorry.

I will speak without shame.

Enjoy for all broken things.

Who belongs here.

I'm really human, I'm not a hero.

Manhattan boys sing this song.

I'm really human, I'm not a hero.


This is not so.

Be careful!

We will continue.

We will continue.

I believe you died for me.

Your memory has been resumed.

We will continue.

But if it breaks, is failed

This is a widow's traveling companion.

Will not kill me.

Because the world will always be my heartbeat

Go'll will not hurt you.

We still want us to play this role (we go)

No, do not kill me.

Because the world will not my heart magazine (to be continued)

Go'll will not hurt you.

November wish. We want to play this role.

(We will continue!) Yep, we too, but which song???????? ((((JE DETESTE CE CLAVIER BDPPPPPPPPP))))))

[ARCHIVES] I can't explain how I feel but I can find a song that canOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant