The saddest story

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There was a boy I grew up with when I was a little girl. We did everything you could imagine together. Until, one day on the bus. I was tired and he was on his phone as usual. I asked if I could lay my head down in his lap. And he told me yes, so I did. His phone rang. It was a text message from a girl. It said hey baby I love you. He texted back and said hey sweet heart I love you too. He didn't know I knew about it. I sat up in my seat, got up and grabbed my stuff and went up front. I was about to get off anyway. The bus stopped at my house. I put my backpack on and got off the bus, and ran to my front door and I looked back at the bus. He looked and smiled at me. I didn't smile back. I opened the door and ran to my room , slammed the door and threw all my stuff down. I buried my head in my pillow. I wish I never saw that message. I began to wonder who she was and did I know her. "Honey what's a wrong?" Mom said from outside my door. "Nothing mom , leave me alone I am not in the mood." I replied. I guess I passed out cause when I woke up it was dark outside. I wanted to find my mom. I went to her room and there she was, working on her lap top. "Mom can I talk to you?"

Yes sweet heart. Come here. Mom, today on the bus I was tired , so I laid in Adrian's lap. And he got a message from some girl. It said hey baby I love you and he replied back and said hey sweet heart I love you too. He didn't know I knew about it. I sat up in my seat and grabbed my stuff and went up front and a few minutes later I got off the bus. What should I do mom ? " He cheated on you , so I would just ignore him, I'm sorry baby girl." Okay thanks mom. The next day at school, every corner I went around he was right there. He kept coming up to me saying what's a wrong sweetie? But I didn't answer I ignored him like mom said. He has football practice next period. And i have volleyball. Class went by fast for some odd reason. I went to go to my volleyball practice. I saw Adrian in the corner. I got closer to see what he was doing. He was talking to one of the cheerleaders named Brittany. She was a really pretty model like blondie with blue eyes. He was telling her something. I got a little closer to hear what he was saying. " Brittany, we need to talk." Okay I am listening. "Look what we are doing is wrong, do you not see how Emily is acting?" No, I don't , I don't pay attention to volleyball girls. " I think she knows something is going on between us, the only way we could date is if I break up with Emily." Well do it. Football players and cheerleaders go together , not volleyball players and football players. " Alright I will do it on the bus." Thank you baby. I couldn't believe what I heard. I had to get out of there. This period was almost over , so I just headed towards the bus. The bell rang. I hurried up and got on the bus. I sat in the very back and dunked my head and laid down. Sure enough I heard his deep country voice. I love the sound of his voice. He sat in the seat in front of mine. I gotta be quiet I whispered to my self. He was the only one on because that bell that rang was for all the sport players to go to their last period. And me and him always got on the bus at this time. My phone rang. I closed my eyes. I heard him move and look at me. "Emily are you awake?" I didn't say anything. So, he got in the seat beside me and shuck me three times, I finally got up. What Adrian? I need to talk to u. Yes I already know everything, yesterday on the bus you were texting Brittany telling her you love her to. And he told her you would break up with me for her. You are a stupid cheater. I loved you. When we were together everything seemed do right. We grew up together doing everything together. I don't understand. " how did you know all of that?" What you didn't think all of that would go around school? I've had to people tell me that and I heard it from y'all. I was going to the field house to put my uniform on, the same period you do. And I saw y'all. I mean if I was you and I was cheating on someone I wouldn't be where she goes while I'm with the girl I was cheating on her with. " Look Emily , you don't understand." Yes I do. You want a cheerleader , instead of a volleyball player. You want to be more popular. You want a little whore, that controls you. Look Adrian we are over. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you and spent all that time together growing up. Well ima walk home, I don't wanna see you. " No don't go, stay I know what I did was wrong." I don't care bye. I want to believe him so bad, I want him back. But I know if I do , he will do it all over again. I turned around to see him , he was talking to his best friend Nathan , who was also hot. Well that year I graduated and left for college. I saw Adrian in the hallways but I never paid him any mind. I went to college for five years. I got the job I always wanted when I was growing up. I have always wanted to be a marine biologist. And that what I became. Every now and then Adrian still crosses my mind. I wonder how he is doing and if he is still with Brittany. But that was none of my business. It's been eight years since we have spoken. I need to go to the store and shop for a evening dress. I have a dinner with some of my old friends and family this weekend. So I went to the mall. Ohhhhh I want that dress. I went over to it an looked at the price tag , it said $1000.00. There is no way I am paying that much. I went to the next section of dresses. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Oh, it's Adrian. What do you want Adrian? "How did you know it's me?" Because let's see, we grew up together and. I know your touch. "What are you doing?" I am shopping for a evening dress. "Why?" Because I have a dinner with old friends and my family. "Look Emily , can we talk?" About what? " Eight years ago, on the bus."

Okay sure. " That day on the bus when you told me what you saw and heard, I felt terrible , I felt as if I just murdered someone." "And I watched you walk away , in the sun light, I started to fall in love with you." Okay? " That night I went to Brittany's shop and told her we need to stop seeing each other and that she ruined a relationship I had that was great, we knew everything about each other, and how we grew up together." Adrian, you broke my heart. And every day since then, you crossed my mind. I missed your feel voice, your touch, the looks in your eyes. I just wanted you back. But i knew you were over me. Adrian , I still love you. " Emily, I need you in my life, ever since you left, my world has torn all apart." That's sweet but I don't want anything bad to happen. I gotta go home and cook. Bye talk to you later. " Bye, there she goes again." He sighed. I felt bad. But, I didn't know what to do. The next morning the phone rang, I got up and answered the phone. "Hello is this Emily?" A women said. Yes this is. "We have a man named Adrian that got hit by a car.And he wants to see you." OKAY I'LL BE RIGHT THERE. I arrived at the hospital and I ran out of the car and into the hospital. I went up the elevator

and asked a nurse if she knew where Adrian was. She told me he was one floor up , in room 303. I rushed up the stairs and around the corner into room 303. I knocked on the door. He told me to come in. I walked over to the hospital bed. What happened Adrian? What happened? " I was trying to catch up to you, to tell you over the years I got cancer. But by the time I half way reached you, a semi hit me and I went into a panic attack. I kept calling your name but I guess you didn't hear me." Oh Adrian, I am so sorry. I didn't know you had cancer. How bad is it? " The doctor told me I have a 25% chance that I will live. When I got hit by the semi, it made the percent drop." I am so sorry , I wish I would have known sooner. I feel terrible. " Emily, before I die I just want you to know that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm glad it was you I grew up around. We dated for 14 years. Until my stupid decision in the last month of high school. If I could I would go back in time and reverse all of this. You stuck by me through my worst times and good times. I don't know what I would have done all those years if I didn't have you. Thank you for the time we shared. I will never forget it. And I pray you don't either." Tears started coming out of his eyes and slowly falling down his cheek. "Emily, I love you please forgive me." I forgive you. And I love you to. I will never forget those wonderful days we shared. They were wonderful. Do you remember that day we were at the creek and I acted like I slipped in fell in the water when actually I just wanted you to get in the water with me? And you jumped in and picked me up and held me in your arms. We started wrestling in the water and chasing each other up and down the stream. I felt tears falling down my cheek. " I remember that day, it was amazing. I had so much fun." I did to Adrian. I looked at his heart rate. It was slowing down faster and faster. I grabbed his hand and put my head on his chest. I love you! Please don't leave me . I need you. I couldn't help but cry. There was nothing I could do or say to save him. He was looking at me with those ocean blue eyes I had always loved. I didn't hear him say a word or even him breathing. I looked up and saw that his heart wasn't beating. HELP! DOCTOR, NURSE! Anyone please help. Adrian died help me. I don't know what to do. The doctor came in and unplugged everything from him and rolled him away. I watched as he vanished from my sight. I went home after that. Went to my room and took out a box. The box contained every letter and every picture from him. The pictures we took. I sat down and cried while looking through all of this. If I could I would do anything to go back in time and stayed and listened to him at the store. Every memory we shared kept running threw my mind. I love you Adrian and ill never stop loving you.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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