Chapter 1 The New Assistant

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Author's Note
Lol I like really have nothing to say but as you can see I'm making this book yes! But anyways.. Guys this short book may be like 5 chapters long but if you guys would like more than 5 chapters and make it like a real book or something like that I'll gladly do it but we'll just see how it will go with just 5 chapters and if we want more than 5 then at the end I can like push back the endings into like the future end of the book if that's the case if you know what I'm saying but anyways let's see how the first chapter will go ( ̄ω ̄;)
Yandere-kun searched the halls for Kokona thinking how he was going to murder her again but somehow she always ends up at school the next day but as Yandere-kun passed the nurse's office he heard two voices an angelic voice and a manly voice and being nosy like he was he peeked his head in the doorway out of sight

"Ah thank you N/n for agreeing to help me and would you mind telling the principal I said that I'm extremely thankful"

"I guess anything for you Muja~"

"Its just that my syringe and my tranquilizer along with my keys are always going missing and I think someone takes them when I'm not looking"

"I really don't know why someone would take my things especially a syringe and tranquilizer"

"You don't have to worry about it, I'll try to help you as mush as I can ~"

"I'm sorry if I'm troubling you"

"Ah there's nothing to be sorry about~your not troubling at all plus maybe we can spend more time together like old times ~"

"Yeah I guess your right"

"And are you just going to walk around like that? ~"

"Like what?"

"Ah nothing your still innocent and dense as ever *chuckles*"

"*giggles* your so weird N/n"

Yandere-kun peeked through the door way and saw an attractive male spinning boredly in a swivel chair

Yandere-kun felt heat on his face

The attractive male had h/l h/c
(Messy,neat,layered,etc) hair, and and piercing e/c colored eyes with a frown on his handsome face and he had on a white button up shirt with 2 buttons undone and his tie loosely wrapped around his neck and black dress pants

Your POV
You swirled in your chair watching your cousin Muja writing on a Clip board

You only agreed to four things to help

1. You were bored

2. To protect Muja from perverted male students like this one peeking through the doorway right now
(Lol reader-kun got eyes in the back of his head no syringe disappearing from his sight)

3. Muja agreed to buy you the new game system that just came out and buy you some games for the rest of your game systems

4. Because again you were bored and had nothing else to do with your life

You looked at the peeking male and he noticed that you were looking at him and he blushed harder and ran away

You rolled your eyes annoyed

"N/n I'm leaving to get something to eat you coming?"

You jumped at your nickname being called

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