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I have an important conversation to have with my little sister...

As I get into my bedroom, I take off my shoes

"Ugh" I sign out loud


I call her about five times and she doesn't pick, that's unlike her I must say

I decide to call her for the 6th time



"Bellieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Diana screams

"Hi baby
I've missed you so much! I can't even explain...

"So DD" I say uncertainty

"¿Yes" She asks

"So... There is this boy I met today... His name is Travis..."

"Go on" she says


"Belle, just speak from your heart, I have time to listen okay" she says
"So we bumped into each other and had a "stare" my heart actually skipped a beat
Then we went for math class together and then he held my hand through out the class. I actually let him and I legit don't let anyone touch me. I really... I really have never felt this way before"

" then he gave me a school tour and he has an outstandingly good sense of humor... I actually laughed through out!!!" I say and start to laugh by just merely thinking about what he said
" so what do you think" I complete my statement

"I think, I know you're in love Bellie"she says

" love huh?" I say_ask

"Yea. I told you that you would fall in love sooner or later, and apparently, its sooner than later" she says and I sigh
"I knew I should have put a bet on it" she completes. Oh DD

"Oh you money goblin" I say and we start laughing

"Bye DD, I have to go eat some food"

"Okay bye I love you so much"

"I love you " I say meaning it.

So I drop my phone and go straight to the kitchen

On my was, along the stairs I spot two guards opposite each other. They bow their heads and I give a smile and greet them good evening

Afterwards, I spot Onika about to leave the kitchen. As she sees me she takes a step back. It seems like I just startled her

"You scared me princess... I was just about to call you for dinner" she says smiling. She looks so pretty

"Oh I'm so sorry. " I say and then greet her good evening

"Oh dear. Come on and eat" she says signifying for me to seat on the dinning table

"Oh thank you. What would we be having please?" I ask her and she starts saying while bringing a tray of goodnesses .

" for the appetizer, we'll have Taco's then for the main dish, we'll be having Spanish-style grilled shrimps, then for desert, piñata dark chocolate balls

She brings the tray to the table and I start gazing

Trust me, I finish all these in less that 20 minutes

"The dish was splendid Madame"I says

"Thank you" she says and I give her a hug

"Good night Onika" I say

"Good night to you princess" she says and off I go to my bedroom.

As I reach my bedroom, the first thing I do is jump on my bed like a child


Slowly slowly... I start to drift from realworld to dreamworld...




The sound of the alarm is what I wake up to!

*2 hours later*
"Good morning princess Bella"

"Good morning Black"

...I wasn't expecting a long conversation but this is just too short, whatever.

There is a little traffic so we get to school approximately 2 minutes later than we did yesterday

As Black gets into the parking lot, he gets down to open my door. As soon as I get out, I bid him farewell

"Bye Belle, have a good day, I'll be here by 3:00, call me if there's any change in plans"


As I enter the building, the usual gazes are still prominent. But I keep walking

I don't have class till 11:00 and the time is 8:39, so I decide to go to the place where I take refuge, the garden.

On getting there, I spot Travis in the parking lot with some guys I'm guessing to be his mates...
Even from afar he looks dreamy, my belov'ed

I start to walk a little faster so I can get there in time

Out of blue, a female appears. My walking pace starts reducing as she starts talking with T, and then it completely stops when they share a hug

Light flashes before my eyes, oh my poor heart, , help my poor heart for ever giving space for love.

She is probably his girlfriend or something, stupid me thought that there was hope. There never was hope, there is no hope, and there never will be hope.

I start to make my way to the garden.

Right now, I feel like so stupid for how I'm feeling

It just...

"Bee" I hear a deep voice call... Travis

I turn to see Travis. He has a black leather jacket on with plain jeans. I've never seen a guy look so good. How can the devil look so good?

"I've been looking everywhere for you, I even thought you didn't come"

"Why were you looking for me?" I ask in a plain voice

"Because I missed you bee" he says smiling

"Oh, is that girl, probably your girlfriend who knows your 'bee' also?" , I ask, letting my emotions get the best of me

"What, what are you talking about" he asks, confusion clear in his voice

"I saw it. You were with that girl in the parking lot. I saw it, don't play dumb with me"

"Oh" he starts to laugh, this jerk

"That was Lilly, Tuli, my little sister. I told you yesterday remember??"

Phew... I've never been happier. I really shouldn't be so quick to jump into conclusion

"Oh" I say and put my hands on my face in embarrassment" I feel so stupid. I'm sorry for reacting that way I just" I start blabbing and then he stops me

"No, its okay. Its my fault" T says holding my face in his palm. How is this not my fault?

"I'm sorry" I say looking down

And then he pulls me into a hug

I've never felt more safe...



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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