Wtfudge ??

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Selena's pov:

As soon as all of our classes finished

I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

When Jack and I walked out of the class he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips kissing my knuckles.
I felt my cheeks heat up I felt like fire works were shooting off in my head.

All those thoughts of running away quickly faded away.

Until now uhh oh here comes trouble, their goes my invisibility yup.

Jack's hand gets ripped out of my grasp as the the queen bitch shoves her boobs in Jack's face.
He was shocked at first but quickly came to his senses and pushed her a way .

The queen bitch (named Catherine but she goes by cat ) had long blonde hair and the perfect body.

She practically slept with every attractive guy in the school.

Me and Sandra secretly call her a walking STD stick.

Back to the point Cat strokes her fake nail up and down Jack's arm .

"He Jack how about you come over to
my house tonight and leave this loser ) she whispered seductively into his ear so only me and Jack could here.
I simply stood there frozen to the spot.
He looks up at her in disgust as he peels her finger off of him. Just as I was about to run he grabbed my arm and twirled me into his chest .
He smiled at me as he told cat " I don't need a hoe like you when I already have everything I need right here"
I smirked at her as he walked away with me still in his arms.

As soon as we're out of range I stared at him " Why are doing this?" I said barely above a whisper.

He lifts up chin with his finger as he leans his forehead on mine " Because your worth this and so much more" he slowly closes his eyes as he leans in our lips briskly touch . I lean in close and wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

Making me forget about everything that had happened I was in absolute bliss.

We separate panting for air as I stare at him in awe .

He did it again holy shiz balls I can't resist him . It's like I crave more and more after every kiss.

A loud honk brings me out of our staring contest . The bus driver yells if I'm coming and I steal one more glance at Jack as I run into the bus

I didn't realize everyone was watching me.
I quickly look towards the floor avoiding everyone's evil glares and take my seat in the back .

After I got off the bus I ran off to Sandra's house .

I opened her door and ran up the stairs as her parents yell their hellos . Right as I was gonna turn the corner I ran face first into a wall .

" Ouch!" I whisper yell to myself until I here a deep chuckle. " hello beautiful" I quickly look up into gorgeous blue eyes.

I stand up dusting off my clothes and say " I'm Selena .. who are you ?"

He stares at me a little longer and here Sandra sneezing . He looks back towards her room with a worried glance. " Im Sandra's brother Kevin " after he said those words I was extremely confused I've known Sandra since she got here from El Salvador which was 9 years ago I never knew she had a brother and I had definitely never seen him here before .

I quickly ran around him into Sandra's room to see her surrounded by a bunch of dirty tissues .

Her dark black hair is up in a huge messy bun . Her light brown skin was pale. Her eyes were red. " Stupid rain"
She told me then it all hit me . I smirked remembering us dance in the rain yesterday . I dragged her out of the house and told her I wanted to dance. We stayed out there for hours until we came back inside.

I didn't get sick , but she did . Her eyes narrowed " I told you I was gonna get sick !! " She screeched in my ear . I felt my back heat up , I knew he was behind me . Sandra stared up at him and quickly pulled me down next to her. "Have you two met ?" She asked me as we both nodded slowly. " Selena my brother just came from El Salvador this is the first time I meet him ... And I'm sick " she whispered in my ear as i give her a crooked smile.

Kevin clears his throat gaining our attention again . Sandra stares at me and him and then says " you owe me so keep him some company until I get better .. PLEASE !!" I narrowed my eyes at her but accepted it I told her we had to talk ASAP and she nodded her Head eagerly and shooed us out of her room .

What am I supposed to do with this dude .... What will Jack say 😶😶😳😱🙈🙉🙊

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