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Erin's Pov
Today I have a appointment with my braces and so dose Austin. We got there and I was called back and got my colors changed to Pink on top and Blue on bottom. I'm so ready to get them off. "When do I get them off". I asked. "One more year". Said the doctor. I walk out and they call Austin back.

Austin's Pov
I got called back and get my colors changed to green.

We talk about what is next and then I head back over to Erin and we leave and head home

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We talk about what is next and then I head back over to Erin and we leave and head home. When we get there Me and Erin both smile so the gang can see our new colors. "Looks good". Said Dylan.

The next chapter will be when they get home for the UK and I know its short.

The Nerd Is A Gangleader(Rewritting)Where stories live. Discover now