Chapter 1

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I stepped out of the old tavern wearing my long black trench coat and John Lennon inspired sunglasses. It was about 11:30 pm and the stone streets of River Side were still booming with life , even with the rain and cold. I continued my path down the side walk, then I take a quick turn down a alley way and pull my gun out and point it at the man sitting in the chair. He sat in the corner and his hat created a shadow where I couldn't see his face. "Go ahead and shoot, see what happens if you do," he says In a grumbling voice. "You have caused enough. You deserve to be shot," I say back anxious. My finger grips around the cold trigger. "Your just another kid doing Moscow's work, " he said back. I could see the his breath starting to become more heavy. "What are you scared of Moscow or something?" I asked. "No I'm not. I've worked too long with him to be scared but you should , doing his dirty work is hard enough boy." He responded then he cracks a grin. The man stood up and pushed me down. I tried reaching for the gun as quickly as possible. But he kicks it away and now has me at gun point on the ground. "So you think you know what it takes to be apart of Moscow's group? Is that why he sent you here, to prove your self ?" The man asked me. "I don't know why he sent me. I'm just following orders," I say back in a scared tone. The man got closer to my face. He had whiskey on his breath and horrible looking teeth. His dark brown eyes looked black and as if they were staring into my soul. My Heart was beating faster. I gulp," you don't know anything about me and Moscow's past, so try not make assumptions. Now get going, I'm going to be late," he said motioning me to scurry away like a rat. I quickly get up and grabbed the gun and take off. But then I stop, I turn back around and pull the trigger. What laid there in the alley way was the man's dead body and a bullet through his head. My work was done. " oh and did I mention, I'm not a boy, I'm a girl," I said stern to his dead body.

I soon disappear into the night, sirens began to emerge from the depths of down town. I then sit on the roof top of a near by bank that over looked the alley way and watched the investigation begin. The Cops were so clueless of who shot the bullet. That's my job, to confuse the good, Fool the bad. I look up across the town. I see the signal, two flashing lights at the bell tower. I then slid down the ladder and started to run through the town. My vision is blurred by the rain and the flashing car lights on the streets. I soon find my way to an old wooden door with two muscular guys standing outside. " what's the password," the one on the left said in a British accent. "what are we 5 years old? Oh please," I said laughing. " I guess your not getting in," the one on the right said with a smirk. " move aside boys," I say pushing them aside. They then pick me up and set me back down in front of them. " really?" I say aggravative. "No entry miss," the one on left said. Then the door opens behind them . The light shines in on my face and gust of smoke comes out and a man appears, Moscow. He had tattoos on his arms ,dark brown hair, blue eyes and he wore a hoodie that covered most of his face ,but I could clearly see it ." what you boys doin holding my girl up like this?" Moscow asked. They couldn't speak,"cmon let's go chica," Moscow said, I walk up the steps and he puts his arm around me. The inside was like a warehouse that held gambling tables, cigar trays and bars, oh did I mention I'm the only girl there.. so the guys kept whistling at me when I walk by.He took me back into his office. He pulls a chair out for me and pours me a drink an gave me a cigarette. "here you go," I say throwing the picture down on the desk. " well chica you never seem to fail me," he said pleased. " you know I get the job done, unlike your other guys," I say. " don't be busting on my boys, they do a good job too," he said ."Yeah when they don't get shot," I said laughing. He cracks a small laugh too." Why don't you take those sunglasses off, I can't see your beautiful eyes," he said smiling. He got up and sat on the desk in front of me and took my glasses off. " much better," he said. Then he leaned in and his lips every so slightly touched my lips. " how many girls have you done that too?" I asked jokingly. All he could do was crack a smile. "Chica, why would I use old moves on a new modern chica like you," he said. " Moscow , you know I'm only here for business strictly, " I reminded him. " Which is too bad," he said back sitting down shuffling through some papers." So any other jobs available for me?" I asked. " not right now," he said disappointed. "what are you talking about? You always have jobs for me?" I say concerned. "Not this time chica, I've got other guys wanting jobs," he said without making eye contact. "Moscow!" I yelled. " you're letting these other guys take my job opportunities!" I say angrily. " listen chica I have to do what's best for the company. And the guys get jealous when I let you take their jobs," he explained. " I don't care! They can't even get a complete job in one night! I am the best one you got!" I shouted. " Baby I know, but listen the jobs are becoming too much for a girl like you to handle on your own. I have to keep you safe. I mean you almost got shot tonight ," Moscow said. " I can handle myself fine," I said. He comes over and puts his hands on my shoulders, he leans in by my ear and whispers,"it's for the best chica," he said. I get up quickly and slap him. " I can't believe you," I said hurt. I grab my sunglasses and my gun. I storm out of his office and Moscow tried to follow me but I slammed the door in his face. " hey there watch out for angry bitch," one of the guys said over by the bar. I take out my gun and shoot as I walk past. They all get up and rush towards me angry for killing their buddy. All hear is cussing and screaming. But I stand their in silence." Go sit you're asses back down!" Moscow yelled," or all of you will be dead!" He threatened. They all backed away from me and sat back down and went to take care of the dead guy. Moscow came and grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his office. He then proceeded to slam me down in the chair and shut the blinds in his room. " what the hell is you're problem?" He asked me. I sat there ignoring him. " you can't just go and kill one of my guys because you are angry," Moscow said annoyed. I still ignored him. He then proceeded to put both of his hands on either side of the chair. Now he was hovering over me." Chica ?" He said, I spat in his face and pushed him off me. I know he wanted to hurt me, beat me up and yell and scream in my face, but he wouldn't. All he simply did was walk out of his office. He cared too much about me, that's why he knew if he wanted me to stay around he would have to get me a job. Moscow knows I'm known for my temper being quite bad, so I then left his office and walked out of the building.

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