Happy Birthday to me

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"Chaaaaaaarli!" My eyes snap open in terror, only to see my best friend, Bree, laughing at me.

"Happy birthday, guuuurl!" Even though it is only eight in the morning, Bree looks effortlessly beautiful. Her chaotically curly hair is fastened behind her and her melted chocolate eyes are wide and awake. Suddenly it comes to me,

"I'm eighteen!" I squealed- sounding more eight than eighteen.

"Yaaaaaass! Adulthood, alcohol!" Bree wraps me in a tight hug just as there is a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." My parents squeeze in,

"Happy eighteenth sweetie!" We squish up on the bed the four of us are chatting happily. I befriended Bree in Year 7 and we've been best friends ever since. So I guess you could say my parents know her very well!

"Honey, would you like to do presents now?" My mum asks

"Ooh, yes please!" I respond, still childish in my excitement.

Several minutes later, my parents arrive back in my room with their arms piled up with presents. They place them neatly on the floor, then begin separating them into two piles,

"These ones are from your relatives," mum points to the pile furthest away from me, "and these are from your father and I." She points to the closer pile.

"Open this one first!" Dad holds out a present from closer pile and I peel off the wrapping paper.

Once I've opened all the presents, my parents leave. Then Bree helps me line them all across my carpet. My relatives gave me several articles of clothing- a beachy dress from my grandparents, a shirt and a pair of white shortalls from my Aunt Helen and Uncle Jo. I received The Hunger Games book series from my Aunt Natalia and Uncle Dean. My parents gave me an electronic device called an ePalm, a makeup set, five bottles of nail polish, and a briefcase.

"Okay, now you have to open mine!" Bree claps her hands together with excitement and hands me a small, blue box. I pull it open to reveal a necklace with a thin silver chair and a tiny, delicate crystal in the shape of a teardrop. With shaking fingers I pull it out from its cushioning. Bree takes it from me and gently fastens it around my neck, the teardrop cool against the base of my neck.

"It's gorgeous." I breathe, twirling around. Then I wrap Bree up in a hug.

"Okay, now let's see what this... ePalm does!" Bree says excitedly, her fingers reaching out to the cream coloured box that encases it. I grab it before she can and she laughs at my eagerness. I slide the lid off and Bree pulls out an instruction manual. Inside the box, on a cushion, is a...watch. A silvery analog watch with ivory straps. I slip it onto my left wrist and admire it.

"OMG!" Bree exclaims suddenly, and points to a spot on the manual, "It's a little circular screen inside your watch, and you pull it out and it expands to fit in your palm." She practically shoves the manual at me and I examine the diagram. I turn my watch onto the side and see a miniscule knob, matching that of the picture. I twist it carefully and the side of the watch slides upwards. A thin screen pops out enough for me to grab it and pull it out. The side of the watch slots back into place as if it was ordinary.

"Whoa!" Bree leans forward over the screen as I read more of the manual,

"So...the watch is like a charging station for the screen, as well as a sort of safe-keeping spot." I mumble to myself. Then, following the next diagram, I slide my thumb across the edge of the screen, expanding it to the size of my palm. I tap the screen twice and it lights up a periwinkle blue. 'ePalm' appears on the screen in white cursive.

"So cooooool!" Bree clasps her hands together in excitement. Then the screen glows white, writing appearing- telling me how to set it up. We spend the next hour or so setting it up, chatting and playing with other presents.

By midday, my nails are painted a wine colour and Bree's are painted ivory. Bree hugs me and then drives home.

"Honey? Could you come down here for a bit, please?" My mother calls out to me and I poke my head into the living room. Both my parents are seated stiffly on the couch, odd smiles on their faces.

"Have a seat." My father gestures towards the armchair and I flop into it, still on a high from the morning spent with Bree. He grabs a bottle of champagne from the coffee table and pours out three glasses, two full and one half full. He passes me the smallest champagne flute and I stare up at him,

"To adulthood." Mum murmurs and we clink glasses. I raise the champagne flute to my lips and sip it. Bubbles explode on my tongue and the flavour- like nothing I've ever tasted before! Unusual and indescribable really. I sip at it again and the bubbles fill my mouth, making me laugh. I finish my mouthful and place down the glass, feeling slightly tipsy, despite the fact I only had a sip or two.

"Your mother and I..." Dad trails off and he and mum put their heads together, murmuring. Finally mum says,

"Here." and passes me a letter. I look from them to the letter, puzzled. Then I unfold it carefully and begin to read.

Dear Miss C. Wood

You have been selected to participate in The Trials of Perfection. Congratulations! You, along with 99 other females and 100 males of your age have been chosen based on your appearance, athleticism and intelligence. The Trials are a series of activities to test your perfection in many different ways. At the end of The Trials, the most perfect male and most perfect female will be selected.

The Trials of Perfection will take place on the 5th of June. You will be picked up on the 30th of May 10am, outside your house. Please pack a small suitcase/briefcase with basics. Whatever else you want will be provided. Please be prepared.


Veronica Blanche

Head of The Commission for Perfection

I reread it and reread it. After several minutes my mother says,

"Have you...read it, Charli?"

"Four times." I say numbly and mum laughs, but it sounds hollow.

"Isn't it an honour?"

"Honour?" I echo.

"Sweetie, The Commission thinks you're perfect!" Mum's smiling like mad. Even Dad looks happy. I stare at them,

"I...I..." I tear upstairs. I slam my door behind me and fall against the bed.

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