An Escape Plan?

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Chapter  2: Waking Up. (New POV's)

Louis' POV.

After we all kidnapped Rydel, we put her in the trunk of the car and drove off. Hopefully she would be out for the 45 minute drive. Because if she wakes up, that could be bad. I don't think Liam would want to pull over and have to drug her again. He would be mad. Uhm, so I should probably introduce myself ya? Im Louis Tomlinson, a gang member in a small but well known gang called the Carrots, just kidding, we're The Direction, or One Direction. People call us a lot of things but those are the two official names we have. We aren't all dangerous or whatever like normal gangs. We are all kind hearted people, or were, before our gang leader passed away the gang was turned over to Fred's son. Fred is the starter of One Direction. But now that his son took over, we all kind of lost ourselves. And when Kyle, our new leader, found out about an American girl moving to London, he jumped all over that. I'm not even sure how he heard about it honestly, he doesn't have many people who like him. But he assigned us this "plan" to kidnap her, gave us her address, and a detailed description of her and her car. How he knows where she lives and what she drives is over the top creepy, but to know exactly what she looks like? Beyond over the top creepy. That shit hit the stalker level. But she sounded pretty so I was kinda looking forward to it. Hopefully she cant fight or anything. Cuz that wont be fun to knock out some innocent girl. But we are almost home!

Harry's POV

The girl we kidnapped, Rydel, is extremely pretty! But that's kinda weird to say since we kidnapped her right? I feel mostly guilty because I was the one to tackle, sit, and drug her. She's 17, maybe 18 at the most by the way she looked. But maybe we'll learn more about her, or not, ya know since we kidnapped her. Anyway; she's pretty and absolutely tiny! Like nothing ive seen before. While I was sitting on her though, she seemed to have some serious are and back muscle. Not enough to show but sitting on her and tackling her you could definitely feel it. She's fit, and works out? Hell yeah, my kinda women!

Niall's POV

I feel bad, really bad. This girl probably has a family back home who is extremely worried right now and she hasn't been out here very long and doesn't really know the area and she's probably scared and frightened and those are the same things niall. Ugh! We are HORRIBLE people. Why did I agree to help with this?

Zayn's POV

The bitch is awake. She's back there squirming and trying to get free. Ha, keep trying love, you'll never get out of there.

Liam's POV

She's awake and .... mad? She sounds furious! Maybe she's feisty, I like feisty. Only 25 minutes left til home.

Rydel's POV

I woke up in a .... trunk? And Im moving? Da'fuq? Where the hell am I , ohhhhh! I got kidnapped. By 5 fucking GUYS! Can you say unfair advantage? Yeah well I can. Bitches. You wont get away with this! I started kicking furiously at the latch on the trunk. The didn't tie my feet but they did my hands and I have tape on my mouth, but those silly guys kept my hands in the front. Hah suckers. I know just what to do. I grabbed the tape and tried to be as silent as I have ever been and ripped the tape off not making a noise, Quiet as a mouse, Oh yeah! When I got the tape off my mouth I started licking the tape, gross right, but I had to get the stickiness to go away so I could slip the tape off. I kept licking for like 2 minutes till it was good enough to just slip right off. Fuckers aint that smart. I started violently kicking at the latch again and I heard it slowly start to give way. Another kick, they turn the music up, another kick, louder music, another kick, even louder music, and finally one last kick. The trunk flew open and the car was speeding down a deserted street in the middle of fucking nowhere at 80 mph. Where the hell are they taking me? Oh well, aint got time to find out. As the all slowly realized the trunk was open they started to slowly creep slower, waiting for me to jump. When I feel like they slowed a good 40 mph, I jumped. But not before the seat was pulled back and a hand grabbed my ankle. I kicked and flailed but I just ended up hanging out of the trunk as they got faster. When the person let go I was lucky enough to be able to hold on to the interior for my life.

Up ahead was a little ditch filled with cotton. YES! Perfectly perfect landing mat! I braced myself for the impact as I jumped and landed with a soft thud. Thanks to the good chicken god that I landed safely. Except their car was slowing down, damn. I stood up and booked it to the trees. Maybe I could lose them. Ya that's what I will do. But chicken god had other plans. Dear Lawd! I hate everyone. But back to the here and now; I was sprinting away from the car and the mystery boys when I tripped over a twig and face planted into a pile of dirt. Great, now im dirty! And sweaty! UHHHH!! I will kill them. Pulled out of my violent thoughts I noticed the noise from other feet. So I quickly climbed the nearest tree! Like, faster then I have ever done anything else in my life.

When I got to the highest point I could get to, I stopped. I was maybe 35 feet in the air. Hell yeah! But my success was short lived when 5 (very sexy) guys stopped about 10 feet to my left. The kidnapped me? They look like pretty boys! Except the 2 in the leather jackets and boots. Uh Oh. I need to be deathly quiet.

Questions we being thrown around everywhere but one question caught me off guard. "Boss will be so mad at us". Hmm, that's not a british accent like the rest. It was irish. Huh, we got ourselves a leppy-chaun.(: Mwahhhhahahhaha! (evil laugh). As I tried repositioning myself I slipped and a few twigs and leaves fell. "Hey, over there!" yelled a voice. FUCK ME RUNNING. Ohmgee. They've found me, I just know it

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