J:listen I think everyone here likes u as a friend
J:I wss wondering if u wanna be on team 10
T:I would love to
J:great you can start movong in this week we can clear a room for you
T:omg thanks so much I was looking for a house 2 so its perfect
J:ill tell everyone if u wanna step out for a min
T:yeah sure ill let them know
J:ok thanks
J:ok guys that girl is moving in this week we need help to clean all of martinez stuff please
Team 10 : ok
J:ok clean go
J:can u come in tessa
T: yep im here
J:whats a good day for you to come this week
T: maybe Wednesday
J:ok great meeting u
T:yeah u too
Romanceim tessa martinez I feel for this guy when I first saw him hes perfect for me untill hes in the hospital