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Harry and Luke aren't what people expected to be dating. 1D fans expected for Harry to be dating Louis and 5SOS fans expected Luke to be dating Ashton. But the twist is, Luke and Harry have been dating since they have met back in 2013 and the two have been inseparable ever since. Even in interviews, the two gush about each other (though no one knew that they were dating, they just thought that they were just best friends), and told many stories about each other while keeping their relationship a secret. They didn't choose to keep their love private. They were forced. Harry and Luke complain about it to their management all the time. Yes, 5SOS and 1D have the same management.

"I don't see the big deal of hiding us. Many gay celebs have come out, why can't we?" Harry asked their management team, including Simon Cowell. "Many of those same sex couples are not popular. They're actors. They're liked, not loved like you guys. You both are crazy famous in your bands and nothing will get in the way of us making sure that you won't lose fans." Simon explained.

"We won't lose fans. Yes, there are homophobic people out there, but our true fans will stand by out side." Luke argued. "Luke, you are not listening to me. Nobody in your two fandoms imagine the two of you together. They ship you both with Louis and with Ashton. But of course, this is a parallel universe, we'd be saying the same thing to all of you. You two need girlfriends. Beards. A cover up. Something to make the fans believe you aren't gay. You guys could ruin your careers if you come out." Simon said.

"No, YOUR career would be ruined if you don't get your money. WE would be just fine," Harry snapped. "I said no, and that's final." Simon snapped back. Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever, let's go babe." He told Luke as they walked out. "We literally have the worst management ever." Luke sighed as they walked out of the building, greeted by fans. They signed a few autosmgraphs and took a few pictures with fans. "Harry, Luke, you guys are friendship goals!" One fan called. Luke laughed. "Thanks love."

"Who knew Luke and Harry were such close friends?" Another fan said. Harry smiled. 'Yeah, close friends.' "You guys should date!" Another fan blurted out, making Luke and Harry freeze in their tracks. The two looked at each other and smiled. "Sorry love, but I'm afraid that isn't going to happen." Luke told her. Hearing that broke Harry's heart and Luke knew that and he sent him an apologetic glance. "If you guys were gay, everyone would totally ship you." Another random fan spoke.

"Thanks guys, but we need to go now." Harry said. "We love you guys!" The fans said, waving goodbye to them. "We love you too, you're all beautiful." Harry said as the two got into the van. "Well, that was depressing," Harry sighed as Luke laid his hand on his knee. "Hey babe, it's going to be okay. We will come out. I'll make sure of it."

Harry smiled slightly as the driver began to drive off. "I know you mean it Luke, heard Simon. We can't."

"Fuck Simon! We can do whatever we want," Luke said, grabbing his face, kissing him roughly. Harry moaned into the kiss as he tugged on his hair.

They arrived to their destination, which was Harry and Louis's flat. Simon arranged for Louis and Harry to be flat room mates and Luke and Ashton to be flat room mates. "I love you, Harry." Luke said, looking him dead in the eyes. Harry nodded. "I love you too, baby. Forever and always."

Luke kissed him one last time before Harry got out of the car and closed the door, waving goodbye to his boyfriend of 3 years. He turned around and walked straight into the flat, seeing Liam, Niall and Louis playing video games. "Hey, how was the meeting?" Niall asked, munching on chips. "Stupid. As usual, Simon won't listen to us." Harry sighed.

"Look, Harry, I get where you're coming from, I do. But look from Simon's perspective. Think about it. There are many people out there against gay people. Hell, we may have fans against it. There are parents who may be homophobic. If they knew that their child's idol was gay, they would make them stop listening to us. Do you know where I'm going with this?" Louis asked, pausing the game. Harry gave him a look. "I don't care what Simon thinks. Many celeb come out gay and look where they are. They're fucking fine. They don't care what anyone thinks. Their hatred only makes us stronger." Harry said in annoyance. Liam sighed. "Please Harry, just listen to Simon. Your career will be in jeopardy and the fans won't be happy if they see that you got fired for wanting to come out with Luke, who is in a different band."

Harry scoffed. "You guys are supposed to back me up. Louis, our fans ship us together and they think we're together. If yours and Luke's roles were reversed, what would you do, hm? I know how much you hate homophobic people. You fight for what you believe in. Why can't I do the same?"

Louis looked at him, "While it is true I hate homophobic people, I just wouldn't ruin my career. I mean, I would rather have a private love life where no one can bother us. If you guys came out and fans and paps constantly bother you two, would you like it? Hm? I sure wouldn't. I would regret ever coming out."

"Harry, you're happy with Luke, right?" Niall asked, and Harry nodded. "Why isn't that enough? Why do you want to come out so badly? If Luke makes you happy, then that's all that should matter. We wouldn't be against you if you guys came out but seriously, just think about it. You'll understand where we're coming from and where Simon's coming from."

Harry sighed, his annoyance replaced with sadness. "I guess you're right."

"We know we're right," Louis chuckled. Harry rolled his playfully, as he felt his phone beep.

"I'm going to make Simon have us come out. I don't give 2 shits if we lose fans. Our real fans will stand by us. I love you Harry Edward Styles. <3 xoxo-Luke"

"Luke...I changed my mind. Let's not come out..-Harry"

"What? I thought you wanted to come out?-Luke"

"I do, but maybe when the time is right. I just can't come out, ok? I'm sorry.-Harry"

"Did your bandmates convince you not to come out? They're idiots. Don't listen to them-Luke"

"I love you, Luke. But let's just think about it, ok?-Harry."

"I don't wanna think about it, I wanna do it.-Luke."

"Don't you want a private life, Luke? Paps and fans will up our asses constantly. That will get annoying at some point.-Harry"

After a few minutes, Luke has not replied back. Harry sighed as he sat next to Liam on the couch. "Luke's mad at me."

"Let him be mad. He needs to learn the consequences." Liam said. "Yeah, he'll get over it." Louis replied as he, Liam and Niall continued playing video games.

Harry sighed. 'Am I making the right choice?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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