You created a monster

27 1 0

August 14th 2013

** INTRO **

It all started when I met my bestfriend Amanda .

We never really knew eachother I guess, talked maybe once or twice at school , bumped into

eachother a few times . All I knew was she was one of those .. How do I put this, uh she was a girl

that was kinda scared to do anything .. She didn't have many friends & she wasn't very popular ,

she was beautiful though & she was a grade older than me . She was shy & quiet .. She had a cute

figure and nice butt . I could see guys liking her ! But she didn't talk to many guys, she was really

nice , so we decided to hangout at the mall with our other friends , Britney , Justin & Cody . Cody

was a sexy thing . He's finee . Justin was a cute guy too, but he was to close of a friend , he has blue

eyes & brown curly hair . He had a baby face , him & Amanda would be a cute couple (: Britney was

a odd child, she always made weird faces like a retard . & talked like a baby . Then came our slutty "

friend " ugh I hated her , she was always going around showing her boobs & sucking dicks .. Ick .

Then she talked like a baby & wondered why no guys like her . Hmm , LOL ! Than came my ex

Marcus . He's so ugly how did I like him . Ergh , he's annoying . & so into himself . NOBODY

LIKES HIM . Once we all were there we went to go get Dairy Queen , I got a large chocolate

xtreme , my favorite , Amanda got the same & so did Britney . The guys got hotdogs . What

faggots . After I paid we turned around to sit down & I saw my enemy Patricia Wayner . She always

had my name in her mouth and went Around talking about my friends . She never knew when to

quit . She didn't see me , luckily . " I wonder why she's here " Amanda says . Probably looking for

some guys to hit up I say back and we both chuckle . We go to sit Down & there's no spots , only

one but it's dirty , so we decide to go sit outside . " Its so nice out today ! What a beautiful sky &

sun " Cody says . - Oh he has such a nice voice . It's so deep and just soothing . He does say cheesy

things sometimes though , haha . We quickly scarf up our ice cream before it melts & than we

decide to go shopping , us girls go to Victoria secret & the guys go to famous footwear .

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