Yandere! Medic X Patient! Reader

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Pre-warning all these stories are lemons (sex) if you do not like this type of stuff please evacuate he area so you don't hear the fucking noises.

Let's start shall we?

It was a harsh winters day; a snow storm to be exact. The clinic was open all day. Ludwig, the head surgeon was strolling down the corridors making sure all was good until a cart bombarded into the same corridor with a girl no older than 25 laying motionless, Ludwig only being a year older than her. Suddenly his colleague shouted at him.
"Ludwig! We need you to do open heart surgery! This girl, (y/n) has been struck by lightning! It's a miracle how she survived!" He shouted. Ludwig in turn ran with them to the correct ward, hoping she would survive. Not many would survive this type of critical at all.
It had been atleast 16 hours after the procedure; the procedure was a success and only took 8-9 hours to do. Meanwhile Ludwig was talking with a colleague.
"According to the NOAA, over the last 20 years, the United States averaged 51 annual lightning strike fatalities, placing it in the second position, just behind floods for deadly weather. In the US, between 9% and 10% of those struck die, for an average of 40 to 50 deaths per year .28 in 2008." Ludwig informed his colleague, sadly.
"Oh my, it's truly a miracle how miss (l/n) survived such a terrible disaster......truly a miracle" his colleague ranted while walking away.
Ludwig began his way to (y/n)'s room, he wished to know if she was doing alright for he had been hit with cupids arrow when he first laid eyes in the beauty they called (y/n).
He slowly creaked open the door to miss (l/n)'s room making sure not to scare her; that's the last thing you want to do when someone's had heart surgery.
"Fraü are jou avake? Ich vizh to know if jou're alright after zhe procedure" he informed quietly.
(Y/n) stirred in her sleep and woke up slowly, turning her head to face the mysterious man in her hospital bed.

{~Your P.O.V~}
"Wait a god pickin' moment, where am I? What happened?" I informed rather rudely, I didn't wish to be so cold hearted against the fellow yet I was still in a state of shock as to why I was in a room that I had never seen in my lifetime.
"Vell fraü jou had been hit by lightning on jour vay home. Zhere vas zome locals zhat zeen zhis happen und contacted zhe hospital immediately. Zhat answers jour qvuestion ja?" He informed me. I was in shock. I had been hit by lightning!? How was this possible? I was in the few that survive being hit by lightning......I was honoured yet terrified if my luck would run out some day or another. I shook out of my thoughts to answer, not wanting to be rude again.
"Sorry mister. Was stuck in my thoughts again just trying to collect all the information" I informed the man hoping he didn't take it the wrong way.
"It's qvuite alright fraü und call mich Ludwig bitte" Ludwig informed me sweetly; his accent flows like silk when he speaks.
Oh my lordy lord his accent, everything! It's it's alluring.
God I maybe falling in lo-oh no shut up (y/n) concentrate! I shook out of my thoughts again but this time my face was a slight shade of pink.
"Okay Ludwig" I answered back sweetly. Seeing Ludwig slightly having a smile creep onto his face.
My god everything about him is alluring! I'm falling in love.....
"Are you the doctor that did surgery on me?" I asked rather curious yet sweet.
"Ja Ich vas zhe doktor zhat did zurgery on jou, now fraü are jou feeling better? Any pain? Anyzhing like zhat?" He asked worried with a slight blush on his face,  Oh how adorable! I thought
"There seems to be no pain doctor; none at all. I feel so much better thank you" I informed quite sweetly making his blush deepen; oh how I loved to make him blush at this moment in time.
It has been a few weeks since the operation and I am free to leave the ward to return home but.....I have noticed that Dr.Ludwig is quite upset with me leaving oh how I wish I could stay but I must return home to London. You see I was on holiday here when I got hit by lightning and now.....I wished to return home; I missed it dearly.
As I had heard that my plane home was cancelled I decided to live in an apartment complex not far from the airport; surprisingly it was peaceful. I began to walk up the creaky stairs to my new home for the meantime. I opened the door to my apartment making my way to my room to unpack my things. I was frustrated that my plane was cancelled but in a sense I really didn't mind it meant I could probably spend more time with Ludwig hopefully. I woke up the next morning to a note beside my bed.....it disturbed me slightly. The note read "jou vill be mine mein prinzessin ~L" I began to whisper in case this "L" was watching which they most likely were.

"L? hmm that could mean a lot of things! but I only know one L, which was Ludwig!" I whisper-shouted shakily while reading the note over and over again. While I was reading the note one last time I heard a window smash, shocked I ran to hide under my bed. Unlucky for me the mysterious person walked into my room searching for me.

"(y/n) it's only mich bitte don't be zcared!" Ludwig whispered, I slowly started to sob and that's when he looked under the bed and asked me to come out from under the bed which I did because I didn't want to anger the German. I stared at him in fear slowly backing away in complete terror while he stalked forward and placed a needle in my neck. I began to loose sense and vision went blurry before complete darkness.

I woke up slowly regaining my sight, while looking at my surrounding I knew that I was in someone's bed. I was pretty sure who's bed it was.
"Hallo liebe~" Ludwig said seductively, I shivered yet his voice like this was hypnotic.
"H-Hello L-Ludwig" I said shakily totally aware of my situation. Ludwig began cuddling with me then started to lick my neck. I began to moan lightly loving but hating it. Ludwig chuckles, I was unaware that I was fully naked and he wasn't! That's not fair...
"I'm naked and you're not that's not fair!" I said childishly, he only chuckles and started to undress. When he finished undressing I couldn't stop looking at him even his boner~
"Prinzessin! Did jou hear me?" He asked breaking me out of my hypnotic trance.
"Ich asked if jou vere enjoying zhe view~" he smirked at me. He started to fondle my breast while slowly drawing circles on my clit. I moaned slightly loud so he could hear oh he definately heard luv he lifted himself up and positioned himself slowly entering me with ease.
"Ludwig! Please!~" I begged him and he did as I wanted. He started to thrust into me faster and harder the thought of cumming unnbearable. We had been going at it for a few minutes.
"Ludwig I-I'm cumming!!~"
"Zame here!!~" we both screamed each others names in pleasure as we cum.
"Ich liebe dich~"
"I love you more~"

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