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"are you ready?" I smiled looking away from my window and over at Ethan who sat beside me nervously looking around,

I smiled softly and grabbed his hand, he instantly interlocked our fingers grasping onto my hand incredibly hard.

"it's your first time on a plane isn't it?" he nodded eagerly causing me to smile ignoring the pain in my hand as I grip tightened

"well it'll be okay" I leant over kissing his cheek softly causing him to blush,

Ethan leaned over my body and looked out the window his eyes widening in amazement as we soon began to take off. his mouth dropped open in a woah expression causing both my mother and I to laugh softly. I glanced back at my father who was now lecturing Grayson about my some ground rules. Grayson glanced up at me, and mouthed a "help me" and I just replied with a shrug slouching back in my seat. Glancing down at mine and Ethan's hands which were still intertwined. I looked up at him as he continued to stare out the window in pure shock.

I rested my head on his shoulder causing him to slightly relax and rest his head on top of mine but not before he placed one of his signature kisses to the temple of my forehead,

I think i love this boy..


this is probably the shortest chapter Ive ever written but you guys have been non stop requesting for an update so here it is, this is just a filled obviously I'll post an actual chapter in morning it's currently 4 am and I wrote this while practically sleeping so. also this chapter was hella inspired by the plane scene in TFIOS. okay, okay?
(also sorry If there is any errors, once again I'm incredibly tired and can hardly keep my eyes open)
word count: 300+
-goal for chapter; 40 votes ; 19 comments

(I lowkey hate this and may edit it later cause it's so choppy and bad)

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