Chapter 29: The plan

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Lauren groaned as she saw another tweet of Lucy and Camila on her timeline. She knew this had something to do with Lucy. She didn't know what Lucy had said to her but she knew it was too much to the point where Camila wouldn't even talk to her. She hated it. She hated not talking to the girl. She could explain herself, if only she would listen.

She sat across Dinah, occasionally groaning when she read fan's theories but tried to focus on the mangoes in front of her.

"Relax Lauser. You'll win her back. What even is your plan anyways?" Dinah asked, pissed off that Lauren wouldn't tell her anything.

"It's- I can't tell you."

"So you won't tell me but you're telling Landon." She gave Lauren a pointed look but Lauren ignored it and shrugged it off.

"You'll see, just have a little faith in me."
"What if Camila ends up being with Lucy, oh my God that'd be funny. If they ended up getting married- you should be the maid of honor." Dinah chuckled at her own joke but looking at the look on her face, Dinah knew it was too soon.

"Geez, tough crowd. I'll be the maid of honor then." Dinah muttered.
"To the Camren wedding. Not that trash ship." Lauren spat back, feeling pissed that her girlfriend and ex were holding each other's hands and eating dinner together.

Landon walked in the room minutes later, holding a bouquet of rose and a plastic of KFC. He handed the rose to Dinah, before adding a cheeky kiss on her cheek. He then put the plastic on the table and handed Lauren her fries, before handing Dinah her fried chicken.

He took out his drink and sat beside Dinah on the floor.

"So- not that I don't hate you. What do you want?" He asked, sipping his drink.

"I want Camila back."

"Well no shit."

"I need your help."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I love her and she loves me and you love her." Lauren answered with no hesitation.

"True but-"

"And your girlfriend loves Camren." Lauren added, knowing that Dinah had her back, which means that Landon also has hers.

"Okay- so?"

"So you're whipped." Lauren pointed out.

"No I'm not."

"Babe- you are. And that's okay, it's cute." Dinah winked, pecking the blue eyed boy's lips before going back to enjoy her chicken. Before any of them could talk, the door opened once more and the girl Lauren didn't expect most, walked in the room.

"Alexis?" Lauren asked, thinking in her head on why the hell she was here.

"She called me last night, crying."

"Are you here to kill her? We can do it together." Landon suggested, earning a dirty look from both Dinah and Lauren.

"No- I'm here to ask what the fuck happened and how we can fix this."

The three sat still, not knowing what to say. They didn't expect those words to come out of Alexis's lips, considering their history and Lauren's not quite friendliness towards her.

"You were always the better twin." Lauren joked.

"I bought you fries even though I was mad at you!" Landon complained, grabbing one of Lauren's fries laying on the table and threw it at her.

"Okay, whatever, here's my plan. Are you ready to hear it?"

"Yes!" They all cheered.

"Dinah, get out of here." Lauren said. The truth was, she wanted it to be a surprise to all her friends. She was about to do something so sweet and she didn't want to have to face Dinah's teasing before she did it.

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