Bleeding Lies

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The world used to be full of demons and other paranormal creatures. That was until our society adapted and began to fear the unknown. We started creating guns and cannons. There was a war against demons and humans. We chased the demons away back to their own world. Humans began to take a turn for the worst. They started getting sick with diseases and began killing each other as they gained lust,rage,hate and greed.

They continued to create wars wich of course ended up in history books. Soon everyone forgot that demons even excisted on this planet. Everyone except me of course. My name is Abbigale Wilburt, and this is my story...

-----------Chapter 1: Lies are Sickening------------

I was reading the history book in Social Studies when I noticed something weird. I raised my hand and spoke"Mr. Henry there is a page missing in my book." 

Mr. Henry raised his eyebrow and glanced down at my book. Mr. Henry's face turned cold. Mr. Henry spoke in a cold voice"Abbigale I'm tired of this! Everytime you come to class you say there is a page missing in your book! Go to the Prinicpal's office! "

I widend my eyes in shock. What did I do wrong?!?! I sighed and picked up the book. I walked to the office and sat down while I waited to be called in. The principal walked out of the office and spoke to me as if I was a small child "Abbigale I have been informed that you still complain about the social study books as well as the demons. The books are old. Demons don't excist sweety."

I gave the principal a dirty look and spoke"No, you have to beleive me there is something wrong here! Everywhere I look people are just breathing in all the lies as if it is air! You must admit that something went on here in the past! "

The principal rolled her eyes and spoke"Abbi, there is nothing wrong here! This is the most peaceful place ever! Stop trying to force your stupid daydreams down other people's throats! I will be calling your mother today. Now go to the nurses office and take something for your insanity."

I sighed and walked downstairs to the nurses office. I still don't understand why everyone thinks there is something wrong with me. I only want to know of the truth.

Glinda, the nurse saw me and smiled. Glinda spoke"Here for your sanity pills again? Alright here you go sweety."

Glinda smiled and handed me two pills. I felt like slapping her so badly. I still don't understand why people continue to lie in my face. Even my parents do it. I have never heard a single truth except for the words that leave my own mouth. I took the pills and swallowed them.

Only I know of the truth. Only I can stop the lies. As far as I'm concerned, I am the only sane one alive. I hate every last human being on this planet. There isn't a single pure soul anymore. We have been corrupted by greed and hate.

-------After School---------

I walked into my house, feeling like a stranger.

My mother saw me and spoke"Abbigale what is the meaning of this?!?! I just got off the phone with your principal! She told me that you need mental help!! Why can't you just be normal for once in your life?!?! This is the real world!! Get your head out of the clouds soon before we send you to an asylum!"

I sighed and stomped upstairs into my bedroom. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to relax from the stress of school and all the liers who live.

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