Imagine 3

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Era: 1965

Warning: very sad imagine

"Mrs. Harrison, the baby didn't make it."


"I'm so sorry. Your baby is dead."

Those words brought your world to an end. You staggered back, and hit the door as you slowly slid down. George wasn't home at the moment, he had just got back touring and went out with the boys for about an hour or so. He would be back, and as much as you loved him, you dreaded it. You'd have to tell him the news. You'd gotten pregnant, and phoned him to tell him while he was on tour. For all he knew, the baby was just fine.

It wasn't.

The most horrific thing to ever happen to a woman. A miscarriage. It had happened a week ago, and you couldn't muster up the courage to tell him yet. He'd only just got back a few hours, and you refused to tell him over the phone. You rose from your spot on the floor, and ran a hand through your hair, ruffling it slightly. What were you going to say? 'Oh welcome home, George. Hope the tour was good, oh by the way the baby's dead. What do you want for dinner?' Yeah, that would pass over well.

You sat on the bed, and fell back on it. What were you going to do?

George said a quick goodbye to the boys, and skipped home happily to you. He'd been dying to hear all about the baby, and was overwhelmed with excitement. He didn't even pay attention to where he was going. He bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"No need, oh hello Mr. Harrison."

George recognized the man after a while. He wasn't too great with remembering people. "Oh, hello Dr. Roberts. How are you?" He smiled.

The doctors expression was somber, as he conversed with George. Some, would rejoice and cheer at meeting him, but the doctor couldn't bring himself too. Sure, he was a fan, but he'd just delivered the news of their child being dead. "Fine. How about yourself? I'm so sorry for your loss."

George furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry what?"

" don't know yet. Frightfully sorry, excuse me please."

Georges first thought was that something happened to you, so he raced home and barged though the door that you very seldom locked. You lived in a pretty secluded part of town, you knew everyone. You didn't need to lock the doors. He ran upstairs to see you in bed with a big white fluffy blankets around you, laying down on the pillows. Only the top of your head and your bloodshot eyes could be seen.

"Darling, what's the matter?" He asked, hand on the door and leaning in. He was panting, sweating slightly.

You looked over at him and said nothing. He walked over to you, and crawled into bed next to you.

"What's wrong? I ran into Dr. Roberts and he said he was sorry for my loss. What did he mean?"

Your head shot up. Damn that Doctor, you thought.

"Th-the baby." You said quietly.

"What happened?" He asked, eyes wide.

" god." You buried your head in the covers. He rubbed your back soothingly.

"It died, George." You said, finally in a rough low whisper.

He didn't say anything, but looked at you in shock. His eyes wide, and his mouth agape.

"It died..." You repeated. "It died, oh god....." Crying into your blanket.

George sat there, in disbelief or shock. He wasn't sure which one. It was so sudden, he couldn't quite comprehend it.

"George please say something." You begged him, not looking at him but you said it through your heavy sobs that resided in the blanket. "I'm so sorry....."

This took him by surprise. "Darling, what for?"

"You must hate me....."

"Look at me." He said. He placed two fingers under your chin and gently lifted it up, meeting your eyes. "I could never hate you. You mean the world to me, darling. Without you, my life would mean nothing."

You fought back more tears and hugged him tightly.

"You're my world, Y/N." He whispered in your ear. He pulls you off of him gently and kissed you sweetly.

"And you're mine, George." You said as you pulled apart. You spent the rest of the day in bed together, talking, eating, sleeping, mainly sleeping. It was nothing short of perfect. As horrible as it may seem, you wouldn't have had it any other way. Not because of the baby, but because it seemed to bring you and George closer. You both decided then, that you might wait a little while until trying for another baby.

Besides, the only baby George needed now was his jelly babies.

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