Day 1

309 8 3

One Week Later!!

Alex's P.O.V.

Beep! Beep! Beep! I groan as I slam my alarm clock so hard that i think i broke it, but oh well. I sigh and get up faster than i thought, and getting a bit dizzy in the process. When I finally felt better I walked over to the calendar and smiled at the gigantic notice I had on it

"Today is the day I will meet him, remember matter what happens there, you at least got to meet him" i remind myself as i place an X mark on the date. I grab some clothes from my drawers and take a shower. Once im out i walk downstairs and eat something light since ill probably eat a lot more when i get to the convention.




"Here you go!" says the preppy girl assistant as she hands me a lanyard with a card that has the words 'VidCon' written on it. "Thanks..." I say while I put the lanyard around my neck. To tell you the truth...she's sort of creepy, the way she is staring at me with that creepy fake smile. "Well, hope you have a great time!" she says sarcastically, I just glare at her and I see her fake smile fade into a frown.

What the hell is her problem?! Do I look weird? Well, just because I'm wearing one of Markiplier's Charity Livestream shirts, some fake glasses, and a grey SnapBack with kitty ears on the sides, doesn't mean I'm weird....I'm just expressing myself that's all.

As I start walking away I can hear her mumble 'Stupid bitch, who does she think she is wearing those crappy clothes?!'. Just as I was about to turn around to yell at her I heard some sort of speaker turn on, the announcer in the speaker said "All the people that are part of the YouTube contest, please report to section 4 IMMEDIATELY! I repeat, please report to section 4 IMMEDIATELY! Thank you." and the speakers went off.

Wait, section 4! How am I supposed to know where it's at?! As I start walking back and forth asking people if they know where it's at, I bump into something hard, well...more like someone. "Ow" I mumble as I hit the floor. "Oh, I am terribly sorry! I didn't see you there since I am rushing to get somewhere" a very deep, yet known voice says as he puts his arm out for me to use to get up.

"It's okay, I didn't see where I was going" I say a bit embarrassed as I grab a hold of his hand and stand up. When I look up to see who it was I bumped into my face turned even more red than how it already was.

"Y-you....are....." is all I can stutter out from my mouth

He just gives me his big goofy smile, the smile that always makes my stomach flutter just by seeing it.

"Hi there! My name's Mark, nice to meet you!" he says happily as he pulls his hand out for me to shake.

"H-hi Mark" I say quietly as I hold his hand and shake it, which gives me a bit more of confidence to speak "I'm Alex, nice to meet you too!" I smile back at him which makes him chuckle.

"Well, Alex, I would love to stay here and chat...but I need to go to section 4 since I'm part of the youtubers that entered" he says pointing towards what I think is the way to section 4. As he starts walking away he stops and turns his head to look back at me. "It was nice meeting you!" he waves as he continues to walk away.

As I start heading the way Mark did, I'm still shocked. 'Why, out of all people, did I have to bump into Mark?' I ask myself.

When I reach a set of double doors, I see an old fat man handing people some sort of ticket. When it's my turn to get one, he looks at me and smiles happily, "Here ya go young lady!" he says as he hands me the shiny golden ticket with my name on it.

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