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- I release you (Y/N), you can go, finally says your captain.

- Thank you, captain Kuchiki !

You sighed heavily while leaving your captain's office. It's been about three years since you became the lieutenant of the sixth division. Many young ladies envied your position; to be able to be so close to the great Byakuya Kuchiki wasn't given to everyone, but... They ignore all the work this position implies.

In fact, you had stopped counting the number of all nighters you spent reading and signing documents which, between us, provided you absolutely nothing. And this, ever since your six first months. You even ended up wondering what made you accept this job.

Nevertheless, the privileged relationship that started to form between you and Byakuya blew away this semblance of regret. Of course, that wasn't anything such as a serious "love" relationship, let's say that, you respected him a little bit too much for that. It was just that, since he always wore that stoic expression, seeing him smile, or at least give a hint of a micro smile because of your silliness, warmed your heart.

And for once, he released you before 6 p.m, a miracle! You thought. It was, by the way, the perfect opportunity to go and see your boyfriend, who was also a lieutenant, but way longer than you.

So you took the thirteenth division's locals' rode, with the firm intention of pulling Kaien away from there if you even found him. On your way, you met a certain captain, who could avoid you from wasting a precious time.

- Captain Ukitake ! I was just about to come and see you!

- Is that so ? That's good to hear, I usually don't receive visits from shinigamis of other divisions. Said he with his usual sweet voice.

- Ah ah, I guess.

- If you're searching for Shiba, he went back home, he affirmed. Since...Approximately a twentieth of minutes. Added he while lifting his index.

- Thanks for the information, and enjoy the rest of the day !

And with this, you ran off like a hare, leaving behind you a Jushiro Ukitake midway between astonishment and deception of not being able to converse a little more time with you.

-" I'm a busy man", my ass. Sluggard of Kaien, I'll show you who's the busy man .You mumbled while heading straight to the Shiba clan's mansion, located in the Rukongai.

Once in front of the building, you directly entered, since ninety percent of the employees knew who you were , no one asked you your identity, and, on the contrary, they'd show you, if needed, where Kaien would be.

You hid yourself so that the interested one wouldn't feel your presence. You were greatly motivated to make him swallow his words, but, when you saw him, your arguments went down the pan.

He was kneeling in front of a small table, his head on the palm of his left hand, while his right hand was holding a sheet of paper. To tell the truth, it wasn't the fact of seeing him like this which soothed you, but rather the dozen of piles of papers, all bigger than you, which awaited him.

-Oh my, poor you. You said, ironically.

-Hein, (Y/N) ? Byakuya is dead ? Oh no, that's it, you've been fired, isn't it ?

You couldn't stop yourself from laughing, certainly, it was unexpected that your captain let you go so early, but what was more unexpected, were Kaien's replies.

He smiled at you slowly before handing you his left arm, without letting his eyes off the report which he was previously reading.
He wanted you to go sit next to him and you weren't going to be incited anymore than this.

Kaien Shiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now