Of Swords & Sarcasm

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  "Happy?" Erza asked, hating the way her voice trembled. Her eyes danced from one spot to the next, searching for the invisible dragon. "I need to see it," she cried. "Why can't I see it?"

"I can help you see, miss," a little bird told her. It cocked its head to the side and stared up at the girl with round eyes. "I can help you see."

"Please do!"

"Of course."

The trees began to rustle, and Erza realized,  almost too late, that somehow the bird at her feet had called its flock, and now they were all diving toward her. They squawked angrily, their wings flapping frantically, sounding like an endless ocean on a windy day.

"No!" she yelled out, covering her face with her hands. Blood trickled down her arms as the birds lunged forward, aiming for her eyes. 

"We can help you see, miss. We can help you see!"

"Get out of here, you blasphemous birds!" a hollow voice echoed.

"The Jubjub bird has sent us to eradicate her!" they twittered in unison. "She's Real. She can't be here!"

There was a piercing flash and all the birds fell to the ground in a steady beat. Dead.

"Why, th-thank you," Erza mumbled, still not moving her arms from her face.

"Now I must kill you," the voice said.

"Acnologia," she replied with confidence. She lowered her arms, forcing herself to look straight and ignore the pain that throbbed throughout her entire body. "I'm not scared of you."

"Well, I fear you, child. And that cannot be."

"I'll leave," the scarlet-haired girl said, carefully walking backwards, trying to find her way out of the clearing without tripping. The trees began to pack together, creating an enclosure around her. She was caged in.

"I recognize you as my enemy, Earthling. And I shall slay you."

Erza's blood ran cold.

"An Earthling, much like you, came here, once upon a time. A carefree girl, she was. Happy and filled with joy. Her smile was contagious. We underestimated her."

She began to feel a force push against her chest. It was internal, and no matter how hard she tried to get away, the feeling remained within.

"She killed my friend, Erza Scarlet. Now, it is my duty to kill every single Earthling- I began with her, and I shall continue with you!"

A strangled scream erupted from her throat. Her body was vibrating, everything was turning red and violet, the ground was upside down, where was she?

"Wh-where?" Erza choked out.

"The Trinity Sword," a tinny voice said in her ear. "Grab the sword, stupid."

"What's the use, Happy," she rasped, though she was not sure the voice in her ear was Happy or her subconscious. The invisible energy had forced her onto the ground. She could feel the debris that littered the ground poking against her stomach. Everything felt numb- she was losing the battle. This was a joke compared to the damage the birds had inflicted upon her. "I can hardly move..." Her eyelids felt heavy. Suddenly, through her bleary, distorted vision, she saw the hilt of a gleaming, silver sword. 

Heart Kreuz.

She blinked away the cloudiness that threatened to engulf her.

The runes on the side of the sword. Heart Kreuz. What did it mean?

Erza reached out for the winged hilt of the Trinity Sword and grasped it in her hand. Bit by bit, she tugged the sword out of its unseen sheath and hugged it to her chest (which was a very bad thing to do, considering it was a weapon.)

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